Compute Health Monitoring for Bare Metal Instances

Compute health monitoring for bare metal instances is a feature that provides notifications about hardware issues with your bare metal instances. With the health monitoring feature, you can monitor the health of the hardware for your bare metal instances, including components such as the CPU, motherboard, DIMM, and NVMe drives. You can use the notifications to identify problems, letting you proactively redeploy your instances to improve availability.

Health monitoring notifications are emailed to the tenant administrator within one business day of the error occurring. This warning helps you to take action before any potential hardware failure and redeploy your instances to healthy hardware to minimize the impact on your applications.

You can also use the infrastructure health metrics available in the Monitoring service to create alarms  and notifications based on hardware issues.

Error Messages and Troubleshooting

This section contains information about the most common health monitoring error messages and provides troubleshooting suggestions for you to try for a bare metal instance.