Changing the Windows License Type of an Instance

When working with a Windows instance, you must select the type of license to use.

Selecting Windows Licensing Type

For Windows Server images there are two licensing options:

  • Microsoft bring your own license: You provide your own Windows Server license for an instance.
  • OCI provided: You use OCI provided Windows licenses. See the Oracle Cloud Price List: Operating Systems for prices.

For both types of license, you must agree to the Oracle and Microsoft license terms of use for the selected Windows version.

Edit the license type using one of the following options.


After the change is saved, the instance immediately reboots.
  • If an instance changed to Microsoft bring your own license, once the instance starts you are no longer charged for the Windows Server license.
  • If the instance changed to OCI Provided, once the instance starts you are charged for the Windows Server license. See the Oracle Cloud Price List: Operating Systems for prices.

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