Detaching a Load Balancer from an Instance Pool

Detach a load balancer or network load balancer from an instance pool.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Compute. Under Compute, click Instance Pools.
    2. In the List scope section, select the compartment that contains the instance pool that you want to update.
    3. Click the name of the instance pool from which you want to detach a load balancer or network load balancer to display the details page..
    4. In the Resources section, click Load balancers.
    5. Click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the load balancer or network load balancer you want to detach and then click Detach load balancer.
    6. Click Detach to confirm.

      To track the progress of the operation and troubleshoot errors that might occur, use the associated work request.

  • Use the instance-pool detach-lb command to detach a load balancer from an instance pool.

    oci compute-management instance-pool detach-lb --backend-set-name <NAME> --instance-pool-id <INSTANCE_POOL_OCID> --load-balancer-id <LOAD_BALANCER_OCID>

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for the Compute Service CLI commands, see the command line reference for Compute.

  • Use the DetachLoadBalancer operation to detach a load balancer from an instance pool.