Network Connectivity Issues With Private DNS Resolution Between VCNs or Between a VCN and an On-premises Network

Network connectivity issues for DNS resolution between VCNs or between a VCN and an on-premises network.

  • Ensure that if using a local peering gateway (LPG ), that it's set up correctly between VCNs , and that the remote peering connection, IPSec  tunnel, or FastConnect is set up correctly between resolvers. See Site-to-Site VPN, FastConnect, and Local VCN Peering using Local Peering Gateways for more information.
  • Check all VCN configurations when troubleshooting connectivity issues for ingress and egress.
  • DNS transactions are short-lived, so we recommend that you use stateless security rules  for both UDP  and TCP  DNS traffic. Although stateful rules often work, it's possible that during heavy load the connection tracking table fills up, preventing new connections. As a result, it can appear as if a DNS outage has occurred. See Security Rules for more information.

    If the VCN uses forwarding endpoints to send queries, two pairs of rules are required to enable a stateless configuration. Create an egress rule for destination port 53 for both UDP and TCP, and an ingress rule that allows responses from source port 53. See Security Rules for more information.

    If the VCN uses listening endpoints to receive queries, create an egress rule for source port 53 for both UDP and TCP that allows responses. Then, create an ingress rule for source port 53 to allow external queries. Be as restrictive as possible on the source and destination CIDRs to prevent unintended access to DNS services. See Security Rules for more information.

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