Listing the Dashboards in a Dashboard Group

View all the Console dashboards within a dashboard group in a tenancy.

    1. Open the navigation menu. Under Home, select Dashboards.
    2. In the dashboard banner, select Manage dashboards. Then select Dashboard groups.
    3. If needed, under List Scope, change the compartment.
    4. Select the name of the dashboard group that contains the dashboards that you want to see.
      The dashboards in the group are displayed on the dashboard group details page.
  • Use the dashboard list-dashboards command and required parameters to list dashboards:

    oci dashboard-service dashboard list-dashboards --dashboard-group-id <dashboard_group_id> [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the ListDashboards operation to list dashboards.