Locking a Transfer Disk

Lock a transfer disk for a disk import transfer job.

Locking a transfer disk safely unmounts the disk and removes the encryption passphrase from the Data Host.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts disk lock command and required parameters to lock a transfer disk for a disk import transfer job.

dts disk lock --job-id job_id --disk-label disk_label --block-device block_device

Run dts disk lock --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

For example:

dts disk lock --job-id ocid1.datatransferjob.oci1..exampleuniqueID --disk-label DNKZQ1XKC --block-device /dev/sdb
Copying upload user credentials.
created object BulkDataTransferTestObject in bucket MyBucket1
overwrote object BulkDataTransferTestObject in MyBucket1
inspected object BulkDataTransferTestObject in bucket MyBucket1
read object BulkDataTransferTestObject in bucket MyBucket1
Scanning filesystem to validate manifest. If special files are encountered, they will be listed below.
validated manifest
/dev/sdb DNKZQ1XKC is encrypted and locked
Locked disk.