Using Replication for Data Transfer

Learn how to use File Storage replication to copy data from one availability domain to another.

You can use replication for a one-time data transfer between availability domains or regions. For example, to move data from File System A to File System B:

  1. Create a file system (File System B) in the availability domain or region where you want to copy data to. Be sure that it's a targetable (unexported) file system.
  2. Create a replication in the source file system (File System A) and specify the target as File System B.
  3. Wait for the replication cycle to complete and bring File System B up to date with File System A. You can check that the file systems are in sync by verifying that the initial replication snapshot appears in both File System A and File System B.
  4. If the source and destination have to be identical, which is most often the case for data migration scenarios, stop writing to the source file system and delete its exports.
  5. Delete the replication resource using the "replicate and delete" or one_more_cycle method.
  6. (Optional) Create an export in File System B.
  7. (Optional) Mount File System B so applications can access it.