Viewing All Preferences for Email Announcements

View all preferences when you want to verify email announcement preferences for the tenancy administrator.

    1. In the top navigation bar, click the Announcements icon (Announcements Menu), and then click Subscriptions.
    2. Click Manage administrator email preferences.
    Announcements displays the selected email announcement preferences for the tenancy administrator.
  • Note

    To view all preferences for email announcements, you must provide the compartment ID.
    Use the oci announce announcements-preferences list command and required parameters to list all email announcement preferences for the tenancy:
    oci announce announcements-preferences list --compartment-id <root_compartment_OCID>
    For example:
    oci announce announcements-preferences list --compartment-id ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListAnnouncementsPreferences operation to view all email announcement preferences for the tenancy administrator.