Listing Results for an HTTP Monitor

List results for an HTTP monitor in Health Checks.

Results are available a few moments after you create the monitor or on-demand probe. Each result includes the monitoring location (target), vantage points, endpoint availability, and test timestamp.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, click Health Checks.
    2. On the Health checks page, choose the compartment that contains the HTTP monitor that you want.
    3. Click the name of the HTTP monitor that you want.

      To find an HTTP monitor by name, enter its name in the Search field.
      The past 90 days of results appear on the HTTP monitor details page, under Health check history.
    4. To filter results, fill in the fields under Filters. To select a time, click inside the date box.
      • Start date
      • End date
      • Targets
    5. To view details for a result, click the down arrow next to Timestamp.
  • Use the oci health-checks http-probe-result list command and required parameters to list results for an HTTP monitor or on-demand probe:

    oci health-checks http-probe-result list --probe-configuration-id <http_monitor_or_probe_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI for Health Checks.

  • Run the ListHttpProbeResults operation to list results for an HTTP monitor or on-demand probe.

    Example Responses

    Following is an example healthy response.

      "key": "<uniqueid>",
      "probeConfigurationId": "ocid1.httpmonitor.OC2..<unique_ID>",
      "connection": {
        "address": "",
        "connectDuration": 114,
        "port": 443,
        "secureConnectDuration": 99
      "connectEnd": 1517323711649,
      "connectStart": 1517323711535,
        "domainLookupDuration": 29,
        "addresses": [
      "domainLookupEnd": 1517323711534,
      "domainLookupStart": 1517323711505,
      "duration": 171,
      "encodedBodySize": 1270,
      "fetchStart": 1517323711505,
      "isHealthy": true,
      "isTimedOut": false,
      "protocol": "HTTPS",
      "requestStart": 1517323711649,
      "responseEnd": 1517323711676,
      "responseStart": 1517323711673,
      "secureConnectionStart": 1517323711550,
      "startTime": 1517323711505,
      "statusCode": 200,
      "target": "",
      "vantagePointName": "dgo-nyc"

    Following is an example unhealthy response.

      "key": "<uniqueid>",
      "probeConfigurationId": "ocid1.httpmonitor.OC2..<unique_ID>",
      "connection": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 80
        "domainLookupDuration": 0,
        "addresses": []
      "domainLookupEnd": 0,
      "domainLookupStart": 0,
      "errorMessage":"TCP Ping Connection Error: dial tcp connect: no route to host",
      "icmpCode": 0,
      "isHealthy": false,
      "isTimedOut": false,
      "latencyInMs": 0,
      "protocol": "TCP",
      "startTime": 1517323711505,
      "target": "",
      "vantagePointName": "dgo-nyc"

    Send an API Request to the Results URL

    1. Get details for the HTTP monitor.
    2. Find the results URL from the details.
      Example results URL for a ping monitor:
    3. Send a signed API request to the results URL.
      The request must be signed to provide authentication information.