Managing Custom Claims

You can use the identity domains REST API to add custom claims to an access token, an identity token, or both the tokens.

Custom claims are rules that you can add to a token for the identity domain. There's no limit for the number of custom claims in a token. Token size is limited and the allowed values are "8000", "16000","32000", "128000".

The cURL command examples use the URL structure:
  1. Specify the headers on the cURL command line:
       -H Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
       -H Cache-Control: no-cache
       -H Accept:application/json

    To obtain an access token, see Working with OAuth 2 to Access the REST API.

  2. Create the custom claim name MyATCustomClaim and value MyATValue for the access token by running the following command:
       curl -i -X POST https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims


       curl -i -X POST https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims

    The following is an example of a JSON request body to create the custom claim:

        "schemas": [
        "name": "MyATCustomClaim",
        "value": "MyATValue",
        "expression": false,
        "mode": "always",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "allScopes": true




    The custom claim name.

    Note: Maximum length is 100 characters.


    The custom claim value.

    Note: Maximum length is 100 characters. If the value comes from the evaluation of a user expression, then there's no limit.


    Specify if the custom claim value is a user expression. You can determine the user expression by using the Users endpoints.

    Value: true or false

    Example User Expression

    • $ expression with value admin opc.
    • $user.emails.0.type expression with value recovery.
    • $user.emails.1.type expression with value work.
    • $user.urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:user:User.myCustomAttribute expression with value customValue.
    Based on user expressions, a claim returns either a single value attribute or all the attributes associated with the expression. For example, the following expressions return a single value within an array:
    • $user.emails.0.value
    • $(user.emails[0].value)
    While the following expressions return an array:
    • $user.emails.*.value
    • $(user.emails[*].value)


    Specify whether associate the custom claim with a set of scopes or all the scopes.

    Value: true or false


    Specify how you want to attach the custom claim to a token.
    • always: The custom claim will be attached to the token.
    • request: The custom claim will be attached to the token only if it's requested or overridden.
    • never: The custom claim will not be attached to the token.


    Specify the token type.
    • AT: To add custom claim for an access token.
    • IT: To add custom claim for an identity token.
    • BOTH: To add custom claim for the access and identity token.


    Optional. The Custom Claim will be embedded to tokens if any scope in the scopes array is requested in the token request. You can either specify allScopes equals to true with no associated scopes array or has allScopes equals to false with associated scopes array.

    The following shows an example of the response body:

        "schemas": [
        "name": "MyATCustomClaim",
        "value": "MyATValue",
        "expression": false,
        "mode": "always",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "allScopes": true,
        "id": "ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86",
        "meta": {
            "created": "2022-05-17T04:33:43.640Z",
            "lastModified": "2022-05-17T04:33:43.640Z",
            "resourceType": "CustomClaim",
            "location": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86"
        "idcsCreatedBy": {
            "value": "bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076",
            "type": "App",
            "display": "exampleDomainAdmin",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076"
        "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
            "value": "bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076",
            "type": "App",
            "display": "exampleDomainAdmin",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076"

    You can derive the user expression from the /admin/v1/Users endpoint. This is the JSON returned for an admin user.

    The values are parsed as String, and the bold in the sample shows how the values are derived for the following expressions.




    "admin opc"


    This expression and the next are an unlabeled array, with a number that starts from 0 to indicate the index of the element in the array.






        "idcsCreatedBy": {
            "type": "App",
            "display": "idcssm",
            "value": "32e72bc93b30417697f323d5fa7bbe2e",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/32e72bc93b30417697f323d5fa7bbe2e"
        "id": "60703e0bddcf4dae9add114179bf042d",
        "meta": {
            "created": "2022-11-08T02:39:01.932Z",
            "lastModified": "2022-11-13T09:44:55.668Z",
            "resourceType": "User",
            "location": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Users/60703e0bddcf4dae9add114179bf042d"
        "active": true,
        "displayName": "admin opc",
        "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
            "value": "f79371bb03914056821a8afb9da5066d",
            "display": "idcssso",
            "type": "App",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/f79371bb03914056821a8afb9da5066d"
        "nickName": "TAS_TENANT_ADMIN_USER",
        "userName": "",
        "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:user:User": {
            "isFederatedUser": false,
            "myCustomAttribute": "customValue"
        "emails": [
                "verified": false,
                "primary": false,
                "secondary": false,
                "value": "",
                "type": "recovery"
                "verified": false,
                "primary": true,
                "secondary": false,
                "value": "",
                "type": "work"
        "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:oracle:idcs:extension:userState:User": {
            "locked": {
                "on": false
        "name": {
            "familyName": "opc",
            "givenName": "admin",
            "formatted": "admin opc"
  3. Replace all the attributes for the custom claim id ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86 by running the following command:
       curl -i -X PUT https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/{id}


       curl -i -X PUT https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86

    The following shows an example of the request body.

        "schemas": [
        "name": "MyATClaim1",
        "value": "MyATValue1",
        "expression": false,
        "mode": "request",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "allScopes": true

    The following shows an example of the response indicating the request succeeded.

        "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
            "type": "App",
            "value": "bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076",
            "display": "exampleDomainAdmin",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076"
        "idcsCreatedBy": {
            "type": "App",
            "display": "exampleDomainAdmin",
            "value": "bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Apps/bac027a9500c4db9a09f5cfbcbda5076"
        "mode": "request",
        "id": "ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86",
        "value": "MyATValue1",
        "expression": false,
        "meta": {
            "created": "2022-05-17T04:33:43.640Z",
            "lastModified": "2022-05-17T04:41:13.177Z",
            "resourceType": "CustomClaim",
            "location": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86"
        "allScopes": true,
        "name": "MyATCustomClaim1",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "schemas": [
  4. Set the allScopes to false for the id ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86 by running the following command:
       curl -i -X PATCH https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/{id}


       curl -i -X PATCH https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86

    The following shows an example of the request body.

        "Operations": [
                "op": "replace",
                "path": "allScopes",
                "value": false
        "schemas": [

    The following shows an example of the response indicating the request succeeded.

        "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
            "type": "User",
            "value": "210d294a075a4c86bbf6f958bceacf0c",
            "display": "admin opc",
            "$ref": ""
        "idcsCreatedBy": {
            "type": "User",
            "display": "admin opc",
            "value": "210d294a075a4c86bbf6f958bceacf0c",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Users/210d294a075a4c86bbf6f958bceacf0c"
        "mode": "always",
        "id": "ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86",
        "value": "MyATValue",
        "expression": false,
        "meta": {
            "created": "2022-05-31T05:43:32.518Z",
            "lastModified": "2022-05-31T05:58:10.362Z",
            "resourceType": "CustomClaim",
            "location": ""
        "allScopes": false,
        "name": "MyATCustomClaim",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "scopes": [
        "schemas": [
  5. View all the custom claims in the tenant by running the following command:
       curl -i -X GET https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims


       curl -i -X GET https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims
    The following shows an example of the response body.
        "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
            "type": "User",
            "value": "210d294a075a4c86bbf6f958bceacf0c",
            "display": "admin opc",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Users/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86"
        "idcsCreatedBy": {
            "type": "User",
            "display": "admin opc",
            "value": "ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86",
            "$ref": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/Users/210d294a075a4c86bbf6f958bceacf0c"
        "mode": "always",
        "id": "98e94996776845719cf3b737e565199a",
        "value": "MyATValue",
        "expression": false,
        "meta": {
            "created": "2022-05-31T05:43:32.518Z",
            "lastModified": "2022-05-31T05:58:10.362Z",
            "resourceType": "CustomClaim",
            "location": "https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/98e94996776845719cf3b737e565199a"
        "allScopes": false,
        "name": "MyATCustomClaim",
        "tokenType": "AT",
        "scopes": [
        "schemas": [
  6. View the custom claims in a tenant by providing the query parameter.
       curl -i -X GET https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims?attributes=(schema attributes)


       curl -i -X GET,value

    The following shows an example of the response body after providing the query parameter ?attributes=name,value:

        "schemas": [
        "totalResults": 4,
        "Resources": [
                "name": "AlwaysAllScopesATClaim10",
                "id": "edf077cbae59435dab3f9de5ba1fd619",
                "value": "AlwaysAllScopesATValue"
                "name": "MyATCustomClaim1",
                "id": "ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86",
                "value": "MyATValue1"
                "name": "MyATCustomClaim",
                "id": "150d1eae9f0f4301a22312bd680aa4df",
                "value": "MyATValue"
                "name": "MyATCustomClaim2",
                "id": "2680b220be904698b43575e3d654a88c",
                "value": "MyATValue2"
        "startIndex": 1,
        "itemsPerPage": 50
  7. Optionally, delete the custom claim from the tenant by running the following command:
       curl -i -X DELETE https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/{id}


       curl -i -X DELETE https://<domainURL>/admin/v1/CustomClaims/ddc7f88bea2a46258c593bddccaf2b86