Overview of Partner Portal

Use Partner Portal to manage listings, artifacts, sales leads, and enabling listings for private offers.

Take a quick tour of Partner Portal

Whether you’re an independent software vendor or integrator, Oracle Cloud Marketplace gives you a platform to showcase your apps that complement existing Oracle Cloud implementations and market your services, such as consulting and training. Oracle customers can visit the marketplace—a one-stop online store—to find the business apps and professional services that you offer.

In summary, Partner Portal lets you:

  • Deliver and market your apps or services to Oracle Cloud Marketplace users.

  • Create, manage, and publish your marketplace listings.

  • Manage sales leads.

  • View reports on usage data and sales lead.

  • Edit and maintain your company profile.

  • Grant other team members access to the Partner Portal application so they can create listings, manage sales leads, and view reports.

Partner Portal Migration to Oracle Cloud Console

Migration Overview

We're building a new, simplified publishing experience and deprecating the existing, standalone Partner Portal. This means the publisher listing lifecycle management activities in the Partner Portal, such as submitting, versioning listings and accessing reports will be done within the new Console, where you'll manage the listings going forward. We'll continue to innovate and provide you with more control, insights, and availability to maximize visibility and partner revenue potential.

Impact on Publishers

To take advantage of automated migration, you must provide an Oracle tenancy or create it.

Required Action

Get an Oracle tenancy. This account replaces the existing one and is required if you want us to migrate the existing list. After you set up the account, you must provide us the account details so that we can migrate the listings.

Creating an Oracle Tenancy

Create an Oracle tenancy to begin migrating Partner Portal to Oracle Cloud Console.

To create an Oracle tenancy, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://cloud.oracle.com.
  2. Select Sign Up under Not an Oracle Cloud customer yet?
  3. Enter a name and email (and verify it). You're sent a link to verify the email.
  4. Enter a password, corporation details, cloud account name, and home region (select Ashburn).
  5. Enter the address, phone, and payment details, and check the terms and conditions. You will receive the tenancy details through email after it's provisioned. This takes a couple of minutes.

    You won’t be charged for using OCI Free Tier.
  6. Sign in to the tenancy. Go to the person icon on the upper right and select the tenancy. Find the tenancy OCID, tenancy name, and home region.

Adding Tenancy OCID into Partner Portal

To add tenancy OCID into Partner Portal, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the tenancy OCID, tenancy name, and home region. See Creating an Oracle Tenancy.
  2. Sign in to Partner Portal (https://partner.cloudmarketplace.oracle.com/).
  3. From the Building icon on the on the left side, select OCI Tenancies.

    If the drop-down doesn't appear, send an email to ocmpartnerships_ww@oracle.com.
  4. Select Add OCI Tenancy.
  5. In the OCI Tenancy Configuration page, enter the tenancy name, tenancy OCID, home region, and compartment OCID.
  6. Select Save.

    • Input the Tenancy OCID in the Compartment OCID as well.
    • The Home Region can be seen if you use the drop-down in the upper right of the Console.
    • If you select Test, it fails because its checking for elements not needed. Just save it.

Types of Apps and Services Published on the Marketplace

Oracle approved providers can publish apps and services that integrate or extend Oracle Cloud products. Providers build their products based on Oracle Cloud technology or offer professional services for Oracle Cloud.

Oracle Cloud Products Supported on the Marketplace

Oracle Cloud Marketplace supports products across the Oracle Cloud Software as a Service (Oracle Cloud SaaS), Oracle Cloud Platform as a Service (Oracle Cloud PaaS), and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (Oracle Cloud IaaS) solutions.

For the most up-to-date list, visit the Oracle Cloud Marketplace website:


Point to the PRODUCTS option at the top of the page to view the currently supported Oracle Cloud products.


The following terms are commonly used in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace.
App Install Package
When you create a listing for your application, you can add an app install package. An app install package includes coding instructions to install and uninstall the app. It can include an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure machine image that launches a Compute instance, or a Terraform configuration that launches a stack on Oracle Resource Manager. Providing an app install package allows customers to quickly set up the required resources and install and deploy your app.
An artifact is a generic way to represent any machine images or Terraform templates that you want to make available through your listing. Create an artifact to upload a Terraform template or point to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure custom image. Then add an app install package to associate an artifact with your listing.
Images are templates of virtual hard drives that contain the operating system and software that an instance will run. After importing an image to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you create an artifact to point to an image. That artifact can then be associated with a listing by adding an app install package to the listing. Using an image in your listing provides customers a more streamlined way of getting started with your application.
A listing describes your app or service to users browsing Oracle Cloud Marketplace for cloud products. It allows you to display images, links, documentation, videos, and so on, to provide information about your application or service and to market your application or service to customers. Each listing is reviewed and approved by Oracle before it can be published.
When launching Marketplace Stacks, customers are prompted to fill in a form containing the list of variables that are part of the Stack definition. In order to provide a better user experience to customers, Oracle provides a schema file that enables you to specify how these variables can be displayed and used by customers when they launch a stack.
Stacks are Terraform configuration files (templates) packaged along with an input variable schema file. Stacks are used to build the required infrastructure, including both low-level components such as compute instances, storage and networking, as well as high-level components such as DNS entries, application configuration scripts, license keys, etc. Stacks launched by customers run on Oracle Resource Manager.
Terraform Configuration

A Terraform configuration is a set of one or more


files written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), which specify the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources to create. Terraform configuration files including resource metadata and other important information, like data source definitions and variables declarations.