Service Gateway Management

Describes how to create and manage service gateways that can be used to provide access to services hosted in the Oracle Services Network.

For the purposes of management access control, you must specify the compartment where you want the service gateway to reside. Consult an administrator in your organization if you're not sure which compartment to use. For information about compartments and access control, see Managing Compartments.

The following basic management actions are available for service gateways:

When You Switch to a Different Service CIDR Label

To avoid disrupting your Object Storage connections while switching between the OCI <region> Object Storage service CIDR label and All <region> Services in Oracle Services Network, use the following process:

  1. Update the service gateway: See Removing or Changing a Service Gateway's Service CIDR label. You can't enable both labels for the service gateway.
  2. Update relevant route rules: For each rule that uses the service gateway as the target, switch the rule's destination service from the existing service CIDR label to the one you want to switch to.
  3. Update relevant security rules: Change any security rules that specify the existing service CIDR label to instead use the one you want to switch to. The rules can be in network security groups or security lists.

If you instead delete your existing service gateway and create a new one, your Object Storage connections will be disrupted. Remember that before you can delete a service gateway, you must delete any route rules that specify that gateway as a target.