Getting the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API Compartment Designations

View the designated compartments for the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API in your tenancy.

    1. Select the Profile menu (Profile menu icon), which is on the upper-right side of the navigation bar at the top of the page, and then click Tenancy: <your_tenancy_name>. The Details page for your tenancy appears.
    2. Find the Object Storage Settings section.

    The designated compartments for Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API are displayed.

  • Use the oci os ns get-metadata command and required parameters to get the designated compartments for the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API in your tenancy.

    oci os ns get-metadata --namespace namespace [OPTIONS]

    For example:

    oci os ns get-metadata --namespace MyNamespace
        "data": {
        "default-s3-compartment-id": "ocid.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
        "default-swift-compartment-id": "ocid.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID",
        "namespace": "MyNamespace"

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetNamespaceMetadata operation to get the designated compartments for the Amazon S3 Compatibility API and Swift API in your tenancy.