Creating a Private Endpoint

Create a private endpoint in Resource Manager.

Before You Begin

Gather the network information that you need:

  • Virtual cloud network (VCN) and subnet

  • The private endpoint connection is at the VCN level. If you have many subnets per VCN, you need to create only one private endpoint for that VCN. Ensure that security rules meet your requirements.

  • Network security groups (optional)

  • DNS zones (optional, for private Git servers)

    For example, for a private Git server at https://privateGitServer.examplesub.exampledomain, create a DNS zone for examplesub.exampledomain.


  • Ensure that the subnet allows access to the private resource: Set up a security rule for ingress.
  • Ensure that the subnet has available IP addresses.

    If no IP addresses are available in the specified subnet, then the work request for creating the private endpoint fails.

  • For private Git servers, import the certificates you want to use. See the GitHub and GitLab instructions.

Using a Terraform Configuration

Create a private endpoint by using a Terraform configuration.

  1. Add code to the Terraform configuration that creates a private endpoint.
  2. Create a stack that references this Terraform configuration.
  3. Run an apply job on the stack.
    A work request for creation runs, and then the private endpoint is created. You can now reference the private endpoint from any Terraform configuration or configuration source provider.