Attaching a Workload to a Roving Edge Infrastructure Standalone Cluster

Attach a workload to a Roving Edge Infrastructure standalone cluster in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


Attach workloads after creating the standalone cluster.

Workloads determine the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure-based content that is included in a cluster of nodes when a standalone cluster is provisioned. When you request a standalone cluster for provisioning, you attach the available workloads associated with that standalone cluster for inclusion. When your devices arrive, they contain the content from the workloads you specified at the time of provisioning.


  • Attach at least one image workload and at least one object storage bucket workload when creating a standalone cluster.

  • The maximum size of an object you can use with Roving Edge Infrastructure devices is 5 TB. Any objects in your object store workload or any custom images greater than 5 TB in size are not be provisioned onto your Roving Edge Infrastructure device.

Workloads are managed as a resource within the standalone cluster, and you can attach, edit, and delete them. Each standalone cluster's Details page contains a link for viewing the associated workloads. The workloads are displayed in tabular form, and you can view the details of each workload, and perform tasks on them.

When you attach a workload to your standalone cluster, you specify the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment and object storage bucket in which the content you want resides within your tenancy. You can also specify filters that ensure only the files you want are included.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Hybrid. Under Roving Edge Infrastructure, click Standalone Cluster. The Standalone Cluster page appears.

    2. Select the Compartment from the list under List scope. All clusters in that compartment are listed in tabular form.

    3. Select a State from the list under Tag filters to limit the clusters displayed to that state.

    4. Click the cluster to which you are attaching the workload. The node's Details page appears.

    5. Click Workloads under Resources. A list of workloads appears.

    6. Click Attach workload at the top of the workloads list. The Attach workload dialog box appears.

    7. Provide the following information:

      • Type: Select one of the following options:

        • Bucket in <compartment>: Enter the name of the bucket where the files for the selected workload reside. The bucket name is what appears under the Name column in the Workload list.

        • Prefix: Enter a string to use for matching against the start of object names in a list query.

        • Range Start: Enter a value to which object names returned by a list query must be greater or equal.

        • Range End: Enter a value to which object names returned by a list query must be less.

      • Image: Complete the following:

        • VM Image in <compartment>: Select one of the VM images available in the compartment. Click Change Compartment to select a different compartment.

    8. Click Attach Workload.

      The selected workload appears in the Workload list.

  • Use the oci rover standalone-cluster add-workload command to attach a workload to a Roving Edge Infrastructure standalone cluster in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:

    oci rover standalone-cluster add-workload --compartment-id compartment_ocid --cluster-id cluster_ocid --type bucket [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the RoverWorkload definition with the CreateRoverCluster endpoint to attach a workload to a Roving Edge Infrastructure standalone cluster in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

        description: Rover workload
        type: object
          - id
          - compartmentId
          - workloadType
            description: Name of the Rover Workload
            type: string
            description: The OCID of the compartment containing the workload.
            type: string
            description: The Unique Oracle ID (OCID) that is immutable on creation.
            type: string
            description: Size of the workload.
            type: string
            description: Number of objects in a workload.
            type: string
            description: Prefix to filter objects in case it is a bucket.
            type: string
            description: Start of the range in a bucket.
            type: string
            description: End of the range in a bucket.
            type: string
            description: The type of workload
            type: string