Canceling a Diagnostic Bundle for a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device in Progress

Describes how to cancel the generating of a diagnostic bundle while in progress for a Roving Edge Infrastructure device.

Using the Device Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Node Management > Diagnostic Bundles. The Diagnostic Bundles page appears. All the diagnostic bundles are listed in tabular form.
  2. Click the diagnostic bundle that you want to cancel. The diagnostic bundle's Details page appears.
  3. Perform one of the following tasks depending on what you want to do:
    • Cancel all diagnostic bundles for all nodes that are still in progress: Click Cancel at the top of the Details page.

    • Cancel the diagnostic bundle associated with a particular node: Click the the Actions menu (Actions Menu) to the right of the diagnostic bundle and select Cancel Bundle.

  4. Click Confirm when the Cancel Diagnostic Bundle dialog box appears.

Those bundles display their canceled status in the Bundles page.