Rolling Back the Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Software to the Previous Version

Describes how to roll back the Roving Edge Infrastructure device's software to the previously-installed version.

You can only roll back a device's system software once per software version. If you have already rolled back your system software from what had been your current version, you cannot roll the system software back a subsequent time to revert to an even earlier software version.

  1. Access the Device Console for the device node's software you want to roll back.

  2. Open the navigation menu and select Node Management > Nodes. The Nodes page appears. All of the device nodes are listed in tabular format.

  3. Click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) of the device node whose software you want to roll back and select Rollback from the list of commands. Confirm the rollback. Your Roving Edge Infrastructure device's software is rolled back to the previous version.

  4. Click the System Status icon (System Status Icon) in the upper right corner of the Device Console. The System Upgrades dialog box now indicates that a newer software version (the one you from which you just rolled back) is available.