Editing an ESXi Host

Edit information for an ESXi host in an SDDC cluster in VMware Solution, such as its name or pricing interval.

    1. Open the navigation menu, select Hybrid, and then select VMware Solution.
    2. Click the name of the SDDC to view details about it. If you don't see the SDDC listed, ensure that the correct compartment is selected.
    3. In Resources, click vSphere clusters.
    4. Click the name of the cluster that contains the ESXi host.
    5. In the list of ESXi hosts, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the host you want to rename, and then click Edit.
    6. (Optional) Enter a new name for the host. The name must be from 1 to 22 characters long, must start with a letter, and can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). Hyphens must not be next to each other. Ensure that the name is unique within the SDDC. Avoid entering confidential information.

      ESXi host names can have a maximum of 22 characters including any SDDC prefix you might have configured. Host FQDNs can have a maximum of 64 characters total.
    7. Choose a new pricing interval for the host.

      The new pricing interval doesn't take effect until the previous billing interval's end date and time. If you cancel the commitment before the end of the selected pricing interval, billing continues until the interval ends.
    8. (Optional) Select a deleted host for billing continuation. You can transfer the leftover billing commitment from a deleted host to an active host. Only deleted hosts with the same shape, and CPU as the active host are available for use. For more information, see Transferring Billing Commitments.
    9. Click Save changes.
  • Use the esxi-host update command and required parameters to edit an ESXi host:

    oci ocvs esxi-host update --esxi-id esxi_host_OCID ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateEsxiHost operation to edit an ESXi host.