Enabling and Editing the Human Interaction Challenge for an Edge Policy
Describes how to enable and edit the human interaction challenge for an edge policy.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Alternatively, open the Web Application Firewall page and click Policies under Resources.
The WAF Policies page appears.
Select the Compartment from the list.
All the WAF policies in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
- (Optional)
Apply one or more of the following Filters to limit the edge policies displayed:
Policy Type: Select Edge Policy.
Click the name of the edge policy for which you want to edit and enable the human interaction challenge.
The Details page of the edge policy you selected appears.
Click Bot Management under WAF Policy.
The Bot Management list appears.
- Select the Human Interaction Challenge tab.
Click Edit Human Interaction Challenge.
The Edit Human Interaction Challenge dialog box appears.
- Check the Enable Human Interaction Challenge box.
Complete the following:
Human Interaction Challenge Action section: Choose one of the following options:
Detect Only: Select this option if you want to be alerted for every matched request.
Complete the following:
Set header for failed request: Check to add an HTTP header to requests that fail the challenge.
Under Additional Header, enter the Header name (the name displayed in the HTTP request header) and the Header value (the data requested by the header) in the corresponding boxes.
Block: Select this option to block requests by returning a response code, error page, or CAPTCHA.
Complete the following:
Enable Conditions: Check to enable conditions. The JavaScript Challenge is applied only for the requests that match all the listed conditions. Select the condition and corresponding action from the lists. Click + Another Condition to display another condition row where you can enter a condition and action pair. Click X to delete the associated condition row.
See Access Control for Edge Policies for more information about conditions and rules.
Block Action: Select one of the following actions that is taken when a matching request is blocked.
Set Response Code:
Complete the following:
Block response code: Select a status code to return in response to blocked requests.
Show Error Page:
Complete the following:
Block response code: Select a status code to return in response to blocked requests.
Block error page message:: Enter the message that defines the error or error code.
Block error page description: Enter more details about the error, including the cause and further instructions.
Block Error Page Code: Enter the error code that is displayed with the error.
Complete the following:
CAPTCHA Title: Enter the text for the CAPTCHA page title.
CAPTCHA Header: Enter the text that appears before the CAPTCHA image (for example, "I am not a robot").
CAPTCHA Footer Text: Enter the text that will be shown after the CAPTCHA input box and before the submit button.
CAPTCHA submit button: Enter the text for the Submit button (for example, "Yes, I am human.").
Preview CAPTCHA: Click to view the CAPTCHA as users would see it. Click Edit CAPTCHA to return.
Complete the following:
Action threshold (number of requests): Specify the number of failed requests before the action occurs. Because of the asynchronous request from the browser during page loading, Oracle recommends that you set a threshold of 10 for web applications with basic Ajax usage, and 100 for apps with heavy Ajax usage.
Threshold expiry period (seconds): Enter the number of seconds before the threshold expires.
Action expire time (seconds):: Enter the number of seconds between challenges to the same IP address. Because of client IP address changes, Oracle recommends that you set the expiry time is set to 120 seconds for apps with mobile users and 3,600 seconds for apps with desktop users only.
Interaction threshold (number of interactions): Enter the number of interactions before the threshold expires.
Recording period (seconds): Enter the number of seconds to record the user's events.
Enable NAT Support box. (optional) Check to enable. When enabled, the user is identified by the IP address and also by a unique hash. This checking prevents blocking visitors with shared IP addresses. Oracle recommends that you disable this NAT support for high-load apps (200+RPS).
Publish your changes for them to take effect. See Publishing Changes.
Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Web Application Firewall, click Policies.
Use the oci waas human-interaction-challenge update command and required parameters to enable and edit the human interaction challenge for an edge policy:
Commandoci waas human-interaction-challenge update --is-enabled true --waas-policy-id waas_policy_ocid [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Use the UpdateHumanInteractionChallenge operation to enable and edit the human interaction challenge.