Protection rules match web traffic to rule conditions and determine the action to be taken when the conditions are met. Protection Rule Settings allow you to define the parameters for enforcement any time a protection rule is matched. Recommendations aid in the optimization of your WAF security profile. The Security Operations team proactively monitors all events to provide recommendations about the action of a specific ruleset. See Supported Protection Rules for additional information.
Edge policy has approximately 680 rules. Because of Edge policy maturity, multiple versions of the core ruleset (CRS) are included.
We continuously update and optimize existing rules, in addition to creating rules. Because of vulnerability concerns, we can't provide the mitigation pattern for rules.
WAF policies are kept up to date with CRS and CVEs releasing new and updated definitions on a quarterly basis. Rule definitions in use aren't updated since they could cause unexpected behavior. New definitions are always pushed in an off state.
You can enable a maximum of 100 rules per WAF policy.
Using the key values from the output of the GET call above, you can accept one or more of the recommendations using the following operation passing an array of the keys:
Several protection rule settings are settings for specific protection rules.
Rule ID
Rule Name
Allowed HTTP Methods
Restrict HTTP Request Methods
Max Total Argument Length
Total Arguments Limits
Max Number of Arguments
Number of Arguments Limits
Max Length of Argument
Values Limits
The term "Arguments" refers to either query parameters or body parameters
in a PUT/POST request. For instance, if the Max Number of Arguments is 2 and RuleID
960335 is set to BLOCK, any of the following requests would be blocked:
GET /myapp/path?query=one&query=two&query=three
POST /myapp/path with Body {"arg1":"one","arg2":"two","arg3":"three"}
POST /myapp/path?query=one&query=two with Body {"arg1":"one"}
Max Length of Argument is the length of either a name or the value of the
argument. Total Argument Length refers to the sum of the name and value
Exclusions 🔗
Configure an exception in the Web Application Firewall service.
Sometimes a protection rule can trigger a false positive. You can configure an exception if
the request(s) generating the false positive have a particular argument or cookie that can be
used to identify that request be excluded from the action normally taken on the rule. The
following exclusion parameters can be used:
Exclusion Parameters
Request Parameters
List of parameter values (by parameter name) from form-urlencoded, XML, JSON, AMP,
or POST payloads to exclude from inspecting.
Request Cookies
List of HTTP request cookie values (by cookie name) to exclude from inspecting.