Before Uploading CEMLI Files

Learn some of the considerations before uploading CEMLI files.

File Format and Object Type Considerations

All CEMLI files that you upload must use the Oracle standard file format and assign the correct object type to each file during upload. Supported object types are listed in CEMLI File Object Types.

The object type determines other requirements, also configured when you upload the CEMLI file to Oracle Automated CEMLI Execution, as shown in the following list:

For example:

  • No File Header Required: Several file types do not require a file header. Packager reads the Oracle E-Business Suite release number from the file header or, where the file contains no header, Packager prompts you to enter the release number. See the Object Types That Do Not Require a Header section in CEMLI File Object Types.

  • NLS Languages Supported: Some file types have NLS support, ensuring that different language versions of the same CEMLI file are supported. See the Object Types That Support NLS Languages section in CEMLI File Object Types. You can upload multiple versions of the same CEMLI file, tracked by the version number in the file header. Use the Description field to make it easier to identify the proper file when multiple rows are displayed for the same file. Different patches can include different versions of the same file. However, a single patch cannot contain multiple versions of the same file.

  • Invalid Parameters: Where file types require any mandatory parameters to be specified, Packager prompts you to enter the parameters specific to the selected file type. For example, where the selected file type requires a deployment path, Packager prompts you to enter the deployment path before you upload the file. See the Object Types That Use Parameters section in CEMLI File Object Types.

Additionally, if the Allow Auto Header check box is not selected in your Packager customer preferences, file headers are not inserted into CEMLI files. Before upload, you must insert headers into all CEMLI files that require them, ensuring that headers use the correct format, as described in CEMLI File Object Types.

If you have not created your CEMLI files, configure this setting as explained in Setting Packager Customer Preferences. Otherwise, add headers manually, using the format described in CEMLI File Object Types.