Geting a Service

It’s easy to get a service from a provider. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for training, consulting, integration, or some other service. You find the service you want, and then fill out the service request form with your contact information. The provider will contact you directly, answer any questions you have, discuss your requirements, and schedule the service.

To get a service from Oracle Cloud Marketplace:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Marketplace website.
  2. Click the SERVICES tab.
  3. Use the browse by product, browse by industry, search by keyword, and filter options to find the service you want.
  4. Click the service name to open the details page.
  5. Review the information on the OVERVIEW tab, the RATINGS tab, and the PROVIDER tab to evaluate whether the service fits your needs.
  6. Click Contact Us.
  7. Enter the required information into the Customer Details dialog box.
    You must supply an email address so the provider has a way to contact you. Optionally, you can enter a telephone number and additional notes for the provider.
  8. Click Submit. A message confirms that your request was submitted.
  9. Click Close to dismiss the confirmation dialog box.
    We’ll send your contact information to the provider, and send you an email confirming that your request was received. The service provider will contact you to discuss your request and requirements.