Configuring the CDN

Configure the CDN for a distribution channel in Media Streams.

Media Streams supports OCI Edge or a CDN such as Akamai. To use Akamai, you must use your own account.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Media Services, click Media Streams.
    2. On the Distribution Channels list page, select the compartment that contains the distribution channel for which you want to configure the CDN.
    3. Click the name of the channel for which you want to configure the CDN.
    4. On the Distribution Channel details page, in the CDN Configuration field of the Details tab, click the current CDN configuration.
      The CDN configuration details page appears. You can view the details here.
    5. To modify the CDN details, navigate back to the Distribution Channel details page, and in the CDN Configuration field of the Details tab, click Configure.
    6. In the Configure CDN Configuration panel, provide the following details (OCI Edge or Akamai):
      • Enter a name for the CDN.
      • Select the configuration type for the CDN. If you select Akamai, provide the following details:
        • Edge hostname: The host name of the CDN edge server used for building CDN URLs.
        • Edge path prefix: The path to prepend when building CDN URLs.
        • Edge auth token: Select if the token authentication must be used at the CDN edge.
        • Edge token key: The encryption key to use for edge token authentication.
        • Edge token salt: The salt to use when encrypting authentication token.
        • Authentication secret key A: The shared secret key A for precise key rotation.
        • Authentication secret key A nonce: The Nonce identifier for originAuthSecretKeyA (used to determine the key for signing).
        • Authentication secret key B: The shared secret key B for precise key rotation.
        • Authentication secret key B nonce: The Nonce identifier for originAuthSecretKeyB (used to determine key for signing).
    7. Click Submit.
      The configuration is updated.
  • To create a CDN configuration using OCI Edge, run the create-edge-stream-cdn-config command:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config create-edge-stream-cdn-config [OPTIONS]

    To create a CDN configuration using Akamai, run the create-akamai-stream-cdn-config command:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config create-akamai-stream-cdn-config [OPTIONS]

    Required parameters for the create-edge-stream-cdn-config and create-akamai-stream-cdn-config commands are:

    • --display-name [text]
    • --distribution-channel-id [text]

    To get all the commands for stream-cdn-config:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config -h

    To get help for the create-edge-stream-cdn-config command:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config create-edge-stream-cdn-config -h

    To get help for the create-akamai-stream-cdn-config command:

    oci media-services stream-cdn-config create-akamai-stream-cdn-config -h

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • To configure a CDN, use the CreateStreamCdnConfig operation.