Adding Tags

You can add tags to schedules so that you can list and manage them as a group.

You can add tags to a schedule from three places:

  • In the left column of the Schedules window, in Tag filters, click Add. The Apply tag filter dialog box opens.
  • In the advanced options area in the Basic information pane of the Create a schedule, Edit schedule, and Clone schedule windows, click Show advanced options. The Add tags dialog box opens.
  • On the details page of a selected schedule, click Add tags. The Add tags dialog box opens.

To add a tag to a schedule:

  1. In the Tag namespace file, click the menu and select a name. The system choices are:
    • None (free-form tag)
    • Oracle-Tags
    • OracleInternalReserved

      If you have created any tags, their names are also included in the list.
  2. In the Tag key field, click the menu and select a key. The default choices are:
    • CreatedBy
    • CreatedOn

    If you have created any tags, the tag key names associated with the tags are shown instead of the default names.
  3. Under Tag Value, click Match any value or Specify matching values. If you have created a key and the schedule is active, the Tag values for that key are displayed.
  4. Complete either step 5 or step 6 below.
  5. If you opened the tag dialog box from the left column of the Schedules window:
    1. Under Tag filters a message box shows the tag settings you have just selected. These tag filter selections have not been applied yet. Before continuing, ensure that they are correct.
    2. To apply the tag values, in the upper section of the Schedules window, click Apply filter. The schedules table displays the schedules that match the tags you selected.
  6. If you opened the tag dialog box from the Details window or the Advanced options field, click Add tags. The Add Tags dialog box opens.
    1. Complete steps 1 through 3 above,
    2. Click OK. The dialog box closes and returns to the window from where you opened it.