Detecting Text in an Image by Using a Batch Request

You can use the CLI, or API to call a model with a batch request.

  • Only PNG and JPEG format files are supported.
  • Each job can have no more than 2,000 images, or 500 KB in the body of the request.

More information on batch processing is available from the Batch Processing chapter.

  • This task isn't available in the Console.

  • Use the image-job command and required parameters to create an image processing batch job:

    oci ai-vision image-job create [OPTIONS]

    Use the analyze-image command and required parameters to detect text in the images:

    oci ai-vision analyze-image [OPTIONS]
    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
  • Run the CreateImageJob operation to create a batch job to analyze images.

    Run the AnalyzeImage operation to detect the text in the images.