Managing Work Requests in Zero Trust Packet Routing

Describes how to list the Zero Trust Packet Routing service work requests, and get their details, errors, and logs.

Many of the Zero Trust Packet Routing service requests don't take effect immediately. In these cases, the request spawns an asynchronous workflow for fulfillment. To provide visibility for in-progress workflows, the Zero Trust Packet Routing service creates a work request object.

You can perform the following work request management tasks:

Work Request States

Describes the possible states in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) operation's progress.

The work request states are:

The request is in the work request queue to be processed.
A work request record exists for the specified request, but no associated WORK_COMPLETED record is present.
A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state FAILED.
A work request record exists for this request and an associated WORK_COMPLETED record has the state SUCCEEDED.
The work request is in the process of canceling.
The work request has been canceled.