About Private Data Sources

Oracle Analytics Cloud can access private data sources with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that resolves through the Domain Name System (DNS) in your tenancy. Oracle Analytics Cloud can also access private Oracle Databases configured with a Single Client Access Name (SCAN).

  • DNS Zone: Specify domain names such as custcorp.com, example.com, myoacvcn.oraclevcn.com, and so on.
  • SCAN Host and Port: Specify host names such as db01-scan.corp.example.com, prd-db01-scan.mycompany.com, and the port where the SCAN protocol connects, for example 1521.

How Do I Connect?

You configure private access in two stages.

  • Stage 1) In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, you set up a private access channel and register the data sources that require private access using their DNS domain name or SCAN host name and port.

    When you set up (or edit) a private access channel you alter the configuration of your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance. Some users might experience a temporary disruption in service during the configuration process so Oracle recommends that you plan private access channel configuration on critical instances accordingly.

  • Stage 2) In Oracle Analytics Cloud, you connect to the data source and analyze the data in the usual way.

For more guidance, see Typical Workflow to Set Up a Private Access Channel.

Supported Data Sources

You can use a private access channel to connect to a range of certified data sources. To check whether you can use a private access change to connect to your data source, see Supported Data Sources.

Private access channels enable you to connect to private data source hosts. You can't use a private access channel to access any other type of private host. For example, you can't use private access channels to access private hosts that represent FTP servers, SMTP servers, printers , MapViewer configuration, or any other type of private host you might you use.


Oracle Analytics Cloud can't access private data sources on an Oracle Database that uses a Single Client Access Name (SCAN) with the TCP/IP with SSL protocol (TCPS). If you want to use TCPS to access an Oracle Database that uses a SCAN, use one of the following methods to set up the connection in Oracle Analytics Cloud:
  • Configure the data source connection using the Advanced Connection String option and connect directly to the Oracle Database nodes, instead of SCAN.

    For example:

       (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=<DB Node 1 FQDN Host Name>)(PORT=2484))
       (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=<DB Node 2 FQDN Host Name>)(PORT=2484)))
       (SERVICE_NAME=<DB Service Name>))
       (SECURITY=(SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN="CN=<DB Server Certificate DN>")))

    Where the distinguished name (DN) might look something like: (SECURITY=(SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN="CN=host-example-scan.mysubnet.exadatainfrastr.oraclevcn.com"))

    The way you configure this connection string depends how many database hosts are active at the same time:
    • If more than one database host is active at the same time, set (LOAD_BALANCE=on) in the connection string above.

    • If only one database host is active at a time, set (LOAD_BALANCE=off) in the connection string. To optimize performance, include the ADDRESS of the active database host first in the ADDRESS_LIST.

      To find out which database host is active at any given time, refer to the documentation for your database. For example, for Oracle Database you can use V$INSTANCE.

  • Configure an Oracle Connection Manager in front of SCAN and then configure a data source connection in Oracle Analytics Cloud that connects to the Oracle Connection Manager endpoint.

Frequently Asked Questions

See Top FAQs for Private Data Sources.