View Message Metrics and Billable Messages
View and analyze service instance metrics, including message data, processing and invocation times, adapter requests, and configured and consumed messages on the Metrics page. Use the data to monitor resources associated with Oracle Integration and the applications that you integrate with Oracle Integration.
Visual Builder message consumption is not included in Oracle Integration usage metrics.
Access the Metrics Page for an Oracle Integration Instance
- Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
- Ensure you have permission to view message metrics for the compartment.
- If you are an administrator with manage access, you can automatically
view message metrics for the compartment. For manage access, you must be part of an
Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure group assigned a
policy. - If you are an administrator with read only access, you must be part of
an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure group assigned a
read metrics
For example:
- Syntax:
allow group
verb resource-type
in compartment
- Policy:
allow group oci-integration-admins to read metrics in compartment OICPMCompartment
- If you are an administrator with manage access, you can automatically
view message metrics for the compartment. For manage access, you must be part of an
Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure group assigned a
- Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Application Integration, click Integration.
- Click an Oracle Integration instance to view it.
A Metrics section shows graphs with default values.
Available Metrics Charts
Chart | Description |
Received messages | Shows the message requests that the instance received. |
Successful messages | Shows the message requests that completed successfully. |
Failed messages | Shows the message requests that did not complete successfully for the instance. |
Inbound request processing time | Shows adapter inbound processing times for the instance. |
Outbound request invocation time | Shows adapter outbound message invocation times for the instance. |
Inbound requests | Shows the number of adapter inbound requests for the instance. |
Outbound requests | Shows the number of adapter outbound requests for the instance. |
Consumed messages
and Configured messages |
These two charts show the following information:
Use this data to make informed decisions about the number of message packs to purchase for the instance. See Choose a Message Pack Number. For details on how message usage is calculated, see About Integrations Usage. |
Consumed messages from data retention | Shows the number of messages used for extended data retention.
If you have an Enterprise edition instance and you choose to retain data longer than the default 32 days, an extra percentage will be added to your message consumption:
For details on how to manage your data retention period, see Edit the Data Retention Period for an Instance. |
Configured messages for Visual Builder | Shows the number of messages that Visual Builder used.
Consumed messages for process automation | Shows the number of process messages that Process
Automation used.
Consumed messages for decisions | Shows the number of messages that decisions used.
Consumed messages for robotic process automation | Shows the number of messages that Robotic Process Automation used.
Total consumed messages | Shows the total number of messages used by all components and extended data retention. |
Consumed message packs from overage | Shows the number of message packs used to cover any message usage overage. |
Consumed message packs from breakglass | Shows the number of message packs that the instance used for breakglass. |
Total consumed message packs | Shows the grand total of message packs used by your instance. |
Using the Metrics Charts
You can change the metrics that appear in each chart. Additionally, you can create custom charts to further analyze your data. For example, imagine you created two compartments for your organization, one for your engineering team and another for your finance team. Using custom charts, you could measure the resources that each compartment used and determine whether you purchased an appropriate number of message packs.
- Change the message metrics displayed for each chart, if needed.
Start Time and End Time are selected at the top of each chart. Change these values to select a different time period.
Metric counts occur every five minutes.
- To change the metrics displayed, change the Interval and Statistic fields for each chart.
- To create custom dashboards and alerts, or to see data for all instances in a compartment, in the top right of a chart, from the Options drop-down list, select View Query in Metrics Explorer. For more information, see Viewing Default Metric Charts.
Options for Configuring the Charts
You can configure and view metrics charts that show adapter inbound request processing times, outbound request invocation times, adapter inbound request numbers, and adapter outbound request numbers.
Endpoint metrics include the following dimensions that are available for selection in the Metrics Explorer.
Each endpoint metric has its own dimensions. Not all dimensions are available on all endpoint metrics.
- adapterIdentifier: Show data in the chart for a single adapter (internal name) that is used either as a trigger for receiving or as an invoke for sending the request to the external system.
- account_subscription: Show data in the chart for a specific account type, such as a universal credit model (UCM) account, an Oracle Integration for Saas account, or a government account.
- flowCode: Show data in the chart for a specific integration in Oracle Integration.
- flowVersion: Show data in the chart for a specific integration version, which you can specify at various times, including when you create or clone an integration.
- inboundProcessingEndpointInformation: Show data in the chart for a specific functional request received from the client.
- inboundProcessingResponseStatus: Show data in the chart for a specific status sent by the trigger to the external client.
- instanceName: Show data in the chart for a specific instance. This value matches the name that an administrator specified when creating the instance as well as the URL of the instance. This value is a more user-friendly value than the resourceid.
- meterType: Show data in the chart for a specific license type, such as BYOL, Cloud, or SaaS.
- outboundInvocationEndpointInformation: Show data in the chart for a specific functional request made to the external system.
- outboundInvocationResponseStatus: Show data in the chart for a specific status received from the external system.
- integrationFlowIdentifier: Show data in the chart for the integration receiving an incoming request or sending an outgoing request. The dimension includes both the identifier and the version.
- resourceid: Show data in the chart for a specific OCID of an integration instance. You can use this value to uniquely track the instance.
To filter a chart by multiple metric dimensions, first select a dimension name and dimension value. Then, click Additional dimension and select another dimension name and value. Don't forget to click Update Chart after updating the query.The metrics listed in the following tables are automatically available for selection for any instance you create.
The inboundProcessingEndpointInformation or outboundInvocationEndpointInformation dimension provides a concise summary of the adapter trigger or invoke configurations. For example, the inboundProcessingEndpointInformation dimension can look for ‘Receive Incident Created notification from ServiceNow’ for an integration that is triggered when an incident is created in the ServiceNow application. On the invoke side, the outboundInvocationEndpointInformation dimension can look for ‘Create Account in’ if the invoke activity in the integration is configured to create an Account object in
The following table describes the available metrics and dimensions. The Commonly Used Statistics in Metrics Explorer column provides the following information.
- Mean: Average processing time (latency) taken for incoming requests received during the time interval and average invocation time taken by outbound requests sent during the time interval.
- Min: Minimum processing time (latency) taken for incoming requests received during the time interval and minimum invocation time taken by outbound requests sent during the time interval.
- Max: Maximum invocation time taken by outbound requests sent during the time interval and maximum processing time (latency) taken for incoming requests received during the time interval.
- P50: Maximum invocation time (latency) taken by 50% of outbound requests sent during the time interval and maximum processing time (latency) taken by 50% of incoming requests received during the time interval.
- P90: Maximum invocation time (latency) taken by 90% of outbound requests sent during the time interval and maximum processing time (latency) taken by 90% of incoming requests received during the time interval.
- P95: Maximum invocation time (latency) taken by 95% of outbound requests sent during the time interval and maximum processing time (latency) taken by 95% of incoming requests received during the time interval.
- P99: Maximum invocation time (latency) taken by 99% of outbound requests sent during the time interval and maximum processing time (latency) taken by 99% of incoming requests received during the time interval.
- Count: Total number of requests received during the time interval and total number of outbound requests made during the time interval.
Endpoint Metrics
Metric Name in Metrics Explorer | Unit | Description | Dimension Name in Metrics Explorer | Commonly Used Statistics in Metrics Explorer |
ConfiguredMessages |
count |
Number of messages that were configured. This number determines billing. |
Max |
InboundRequestProcessingTime | Duration in milliseconds |
The time taken for processing inbound requests. In case of synchronous requests, it is the total time taken for processing a request and sending the response. In case of fire-and-forget inbound requests, it is the time taken to persist the request and send the acknowledgment. This metric captures the time elapsed (in milliseconds) by the trigger in processing the incoming request. |
Mean Min Max P95 P99 |
MessagesFailedCount |
count |
Number of messages that could not be processed. For example, a message can't be processed when an external endpoint that is used in an integration goes down. |
Max |
MessagesReceivedCount |
count |
Number of messages that were received. This count doesn't indicate whether the messages processed successfully. |
Min Max |
MessagesSuccessfulCount |
count |
Number of messages that were processed successfully. |
Min Max |
NumberofInboundRequests |
count |
Number of requests received by Oracle Integration using any adapter-specific trigger connection. This metric includes the HTTPs requests posted to Oracle Integration and the messages polled by adapters such as Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter, IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter, Apache Kafka Adapter, Oracle Database Adapter, and so on. |
Count |
NumberOfOutboundRequests |
count |
Number of outbound requests sent by the adapter as part of the invoke activity in Oracle Integration. |
Count |
OutboundRequestInvocationTime |
Duration in milliseconds |
Time (in milliseconds) spent by the adapter during the invocation of the target endpoint. |
How Adapters Map to Dimension Values
The following table describes how each adapter maps to its dimension value in the Metrics Explorer.
Dimension Value in Metrics Explorer | Adapter Display Name | Inbound Processing Event Information Naming Conventions in Dimension Value Field | Outbound Invocation Endpoint Information Naming Conventions in Dimension Value Field |
adobeesign | Adobe Sign Adapter | N/A |
adwdatabase | Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Adapter |
apachekafka | Apache Kafka Adapter |
aq | Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter |
ariba | SAP Ariba Adapter |
as2adapter | AS2 Adapter | N/A | N/A |
atpdatabase | Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing Adapter |
bbtranslationadapter | EDI Translate Action | N/A |
box | Box Adapter | N/A | N/A |
concur | SAP Concur Adapter | NA |
cpq | Oracle CPQ Adapter | N/A | N/A |
database | Oracle Database Adapter |
dbaasdatabase | Oracle Database Cloud Service Adapter |
db2database | IBM DB2 Adapter |
docusign | DocuSign Adapter | N/A |
ebay | eBay Marketplace Adapter | N/A |
ebusiness | Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter | N/A | N/A |
eloqua | Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter | N/A | N/A |
epm | Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Adapter | N/A | N/A |
erp | Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter |
eventbrite | Eventbrite Adapter | N/A | N/A |
Facebook Adapter | N/A | N/A | |
file | File Adapter |
ftp | FTP Adapter | NA |
gmail | Google Gmail Adapter | N/A |
googlecalendar | Google Calendar Adapter | N/A | N/A |
googletask | Google Tasks Adapter | N/A | N/A |
hcm | Oracle HCM Cloud Adapter | Receive <business object> from Client |
hybriscommerce | SAP Commerce Cloud (Hybris) Adapter | N/A |
jdeeone | Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter | N/A |
jms | Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter |
LinkedIn Adapter | N/A | N/A | |
mailchimp | Mailchimp Adapter | N/A | N/A |
Marketo | Marketo Adapter | N/A |
microsoftcalendar | Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Adapter | N/A | N/A |
microsoftcontact | Microsoft Contact Adapter | N/A | N/A |
microsoftemail | Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Adapter | N/A | N/A |
mqjms | IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter |
mysqldatabase | MySQL Adapter |
netsuite | Oracle NetSuite Adapter | N/A |
ocistreaming | Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter | N/A |
ofsccloudadapter | Oracle Field Service Cloud Adapter |
oms | Oracle Messaging Cloud Service Adapter | N/A | N/A |
rest | REST Adapter |
rest_opa | Oracle Intelligent Advisor Adapter (formerly Oracle Policy Automation) Adapter |
rest_oraclecommercecloud | Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter | N/A | N/A |
responsys | Oracle Responsys Adapter | N/A | N/A |
rightnow | Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) Adapter |
oracleutilities | Oracle Utilities Adapter |
osc | Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service Adapter (formerly Oracle Sales Cloud) Adapter |
logistics | Oracle Logistics Adapter | N/A | N/A |
paypal | PayPal Adapter |
salesforce | Salesforce Adapter |
sap | SAP Adapter |
saps4hana | SAP S/4HANA Cloud Adapter | N/A |
servicenow | ServiceNow Adapter |
shopify | Shopify Adapter |
siebel | Oracle Siebel Adapter | N/A |
slack | Slack Adapter | N/A | N/A |
SOAAdapter | Oracle SOA Suite Adapter (includes Oracle Service Bus and Oracle SOA Cloud Service) | N.A. | Call a << REST / SOAP >> service on a << SOA Composite / Service Bus project >> |
soap | SOAP Adapter |
sqlserverdatabase | Microsoft SQL Server Adapter |
Successfactors | SAP SuccessFactors Adapter |
sugarcrm | SugarCRM Adapter | N/A |
surveymonkey | SurveyMonkey Adapter | N/A | N/A |
otac | Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter | N/A |
trello | Trello Adapter | N/A | N/A |
twilio | Twilio Adapter | N/A | N/A |
Twitter Adapter | N/A | N/A | |
workday | Workday Adapter | N/A |
zendesk | Zendesk Adapter | N/A |
Example of an Endpoint Metric Chart
The following example of an endpoint metrics chart is provided. The chart shows
adapter inbound request processing times. A metrics namespace is provided that is a
container for message metrics. The namespace identifies the service sending the metrics. The
namespace for message metrics is oci_integration.
Adapters with Limited Dimensions
- AS2 Adapter
- Google Tasks Adapter
- Microsoft Office 365 People Adapter
- Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter
- Oracle CPQ Adapter
- Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
- Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter
- Oracle Logistics Adapter
- Oracle Messaging Cloud Service Adapter
- Oracle Responsys Adapter
- Slack Adapter