Configure Tracing for Oracle Functions

Application Performance Monitoring is integrated with Oracle Functions and can be enabled in the Oracle Functions user interface. This enables Oracle Functions developers and operators to upload and monitor function trace data in Application Performance Monitoring, diagnose performance issues faster, and improve the observability of function invocations.

Oracle Functions is a serverless Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform, which enables developers to create and run event-driven business logic without having to provision or manage compute and network infrastructure. In applications that use Oracle Functions in part or entirely, the Application Performance Monitoring tracing feature can be used to monitor the serverless components automatically, gaining visibility to potential performance problems within or outside the function. Once the out-of-the-box integration is enabled, Oracle Functions emits a default "function invocation" span to Application Performance Monitoring, and developers can configure additional spans to trace downstream calls from the function and functionality within the function code, using a Zipkin tracer.

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