Use APM Tracer with GraalVM Native Images

The APM tracer can be used on GraalVM native images to monitor applications.

About GraalVM

GraalVM is a high performance JDK distribution, built on trusted and secure Oracle Java SE, designed to accelerate application performance while consuming fewer resources. It offers two ways to run Java applications: on the HotSpot JVM with the Graal just-in-time (JIT) compiler or as an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled native executable. Helidon and Micronaut support GraalVM native images allowing you to compile your application into a small footprint native executable. For information about GraalVM, see Oracle GraalVM Overview.

GraalVM Supported Versions

GraalVM Community and Enterprise Edition versions 21.x and 22.x are supported.

Monitor Helidon Applications and GraalVM with APM Tracer

Compiling Helidon applications with APM tracer to build GraalVM native images is supported.

To use this feature, add the latest dependency for the APM tracer in Helidon. For instructions about including the APM Helidon tracer, see Use APM Tracer in Helidon.

The APM agent hybrid mode is not supported.

Monitor Micronaut Applications and GraalVM with APM Tracer

Compiling Micronaut applications with APM tracer to build GraalVM native images is supported.

To use this feature, add the latest dependency for the APM tracer in Micronaut. For instructions about including the APM Micronaut tracer, see Use APM Tracer in Micronaut.

Monitor Other Applications with APM Tracer

The APM tracer can be used with other applications to build GraalVM native images. GraalVM version 21.3 or higher is required for generating the configuration files required for it's ahead of time compilation during native image generation. The configuration files for APM Tracer can be generated by following the steps documented in Assisted Configuration with Tracing Agent.