Listing Managed Lists and Getting Their Details

View the details for a managed list in Cloud Guard anytime you need to check the list of items that's included.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Configuration.
    2. On the Configuration page, click Managed lists.

      The Managed lists page displays all managed lists that are currently defined.


      Initially, the list shows only the Oracle Cloud Guard CIDR Managed List.

      The column headers provide summary information about the managed lists:

      • List name: The name of the managed list.
      • Type: The type of item in the list (for example, CIDR Block, Country, Users).
      • Total entries:The total number of entries in the list.
      • Feed provider: The original source of list items, Oracle or Customer.
      • Created: The date and time when the list was created.
    3. To ensure that the page displays all available lists, under Scope, set the value of Compartment to the tenancy's root compartment and select Include child compartments
      Change these setting to filter by a different compartment, if needed.
    4. To filter the list, you can:
      • In the Filter by name box at top right, enter text from the list's name.

        As you type, the list is filtered to display only managed lists with names that contain the text you type.

      • Under Scope:
        • Select a different Compartment.
        • If you also want detector recipes attached to compartments below the selected compartment to appear in the list, select Include child compartments.
      • Under Filters at lower left:
        • Select a Type.
        • Select a Feed provider.
      • To filter the list by tags, follow these steps:
        1. To the right of Tag filters in the lower-left side of the page, click the add link.
        2. In the Apply tag filter dialog box, select a Tag namespace. If you want to manually enter a tag, select None (free-form tag).
        3. Select or enter a Tag key.
        4. For Tag value, select one of the following options:
          • Select Match any value if you want any tag value to count as a match.
          • Select Specify matching values and manually enter values, separated by commas, if you want only the values that you enter to count as a match.
          • To add more values for this tag, click the plus sign (+).
        5. Click Apply filter.
    5. To view details for a particular managed list, click the name in the List name column.
    6. To view the OCID for the list, click Show next to the OCID row on the Template details tab.
    7. If the feed for this managed list is user-provided, you can view tags that have been assigned by clicking the Tags tab.
    8. To view list items in the managed list, click Entries,
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    Use the oci cloud-guard managed-list get command and required parameters to get a specific managed list:

    oci cloud-guard managed-list get --managed-list-id <managed_list_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard managed-list list command and required parameters to list all managed lists:

    oci cloud-guard managed-list list --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> [OPTIONS]
  • Run the GetManagedList operation to get a managed list.

    Run the ListManagedLists operation to list managed lists.