Creating a Backup Policy

On Compute Cloud@Customer, you can use an Oracle defined backup policy, or you can follow the procedures described in this section to create your own backup policy.

For details about Oracle defined backup policies, see Viewing Backup Policies.

  • When you create a backup policy by using the Console, creating the backup policy schedule is a separate step. A policy can't be assigned to a resource until the policy schedule is defined.

    1. In the Compute Cloud@Customer Console navigation menu, click Block Storage, then click Backup Policies.

    2. Click Create Backup Policy.

    3. Enter the following information:

      • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the policy.

      • Create in Compartment: Select the compartment for the policy.

      • Tagging: (Optional) Add one or more tags to this resource. Tags can also be applied later. For more information about tagging resources, see Resource Tags.

    4. Click Create Backup Policy.

      A policy can't be assigned to a resource until at least one schedule is defined.

    5. Click the name of the new backup policy to go to the details page for the policy.

    6. On the policy details page, under Resources, click Add Schedule.

    7. Enter the following schedule parameters:

      • Schedule Type: Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, and then specify the time for the backup to run and the length of time to retain the backup.

        • Hourly: Select the Retention Time In Hours (1 - 24).

        • Daily: Select the Hour of the Day (0 - 23) and the Retention Time In Days (1 - 365).

        • Weekly: Select the Day of the Week and the Hour of the Day, and select the Retention Time In Weeks (1 - 52).

        • Monthly: Select the Day of the Month (1 - 31) and the Hour of the Day, and select the Retention Time In Months (1 - 144).

      • Time Zone: Select either UTC or your Regional Time.

    8. Click Add Schedule.

      The policy can now be assigned to one or more resources. See Assigning a Backup Policy to a Volume or Volume Group.

      A policy can have more than one schedule. To add another schedule to this policy, click Add Schedule again. See the schedule notes in Managing Backup Policies.

  • Use the oci bv volume-backup-policy create command and required parameters to create a new user defined backup policy.

    oci bv volume-backup-policy create --compartment-id <compartment_OCID> --display-name <discriptive_name> --schedule <json_string> or file://<path_to_JSON_file> [OPTIONS]

    Once the policy is created, it can be applied to one or more volumes and volume groups. See Assigning a Backup Policy to a Volume or Volume Group.

    For a complete list of CLI commands, flags, and options, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Use the CreateVolumeBackupPolicy operation to create a new user defined backup policy.

    Once the policy is created, it can be applied to one or more volumes and volume groups. See Assigning a Backup Policy to a Volume or Volume Group.

    For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST APIs and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see Software Development Kits and Command Line Interface.