Transferring an Instance Backup

On Compute Cloud@Customer, you can transfer instance backups to and from another system in your data center.

Transferring an Instance Backup to Another System

You can use this procedure to transfer the instance backup to another system in your data center for safekeeping.

Instance backups are large files. Ensure that you have enough space on your system to store the backup. You can use the oci os object list command to display the size of the instance backup. See Viewing Objects in a Bucket.

Using the CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command.

  2. Run the object get command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):

    oci os object get 
    --namespace-name <object_storage_namespace>
    --bucket-name <bucket_name> 
    --name <object_name> 
    --file <file_location>

    <file_location> is the destination path for the file being downloaded, such as C:\workspace\backups\ocid1.instance.uniqueID or /home/downloads/backups/ocid1.instance.uniqueID.


    oci os object get  \
    --namespace-name mytenant  \
    --bucket-name my-backup-bucket  \
    --name ocid1.instance.........uniqueID  \
    --file /home/downloads/backups/ocid1.instance.........uniqueID
    Downloading object  [########################------------]   68%  00:00:05

For a complete list of CLI commands, flags, and options, see the Command Line Reference.

Transferring an Instance Backup from Another System to Compute Cloud@Customer

Using the CLI

  1. Gather the information that you need to run the command.

  2. Upload the instance backup to an Object Storage bucket in the target Compute Cloud@Customer.

    Use the oci os object put command.

    Syntax (entered on a single line):

    oci os object put  \
    --namespace-name <namespace_name>  \
    --bucket-name <bucket_name>  \
    --file <instance_backup_pathname>

    The value of <instance_backup_pathname> is the path name of the object being uploaded, such as C:\workspace\backups\ocid1.instance.uniqueID or /home/downloads/backups/ocid1.instance.uniqueID.


    oci os object put  \
    --namespace-name mytenant  \
    --bucket-name target-bucket  \
    --file ./ocid1.instance.….….….uniqueID
    Upload ID: f000bf64-9a96-4008-b1cc-f6b2595b04b1
    Split file into 35 parts for upload.
    Uploading object  [####################################]  100%
      "etag": "ef7bdd67a72536e29da97f3414f4118e",
      "last-modified": "2022-07-06T17:50:00",
      "opc-multipart-md5": "htOEPyjWDFA4Bs2urJJPRQ==-35"

For a complete list of CLI commands, flags, and options, see the Command Line Reference.