Configuring the Instance OS for a Secondary IP Address

On Compute Cloud@Customer, after you create a secondary private IP address on a VNIC, sign in to the instance to configure the instance OS to use the new IP address.

Linux Instance OS Configuration

This configuration permits use of an IP address subnet, netmask, gateway, and DNS service that are entirely independent from the existing NIC. This configuration is persistent across reboots.

Create a new network interface configuration file to create a subinterface on the existing NIC. In this example, ens03 is the name of the existing NIC and ifcfg-ens3:0 is the name of the new configuration file.

  1. Create the network configuration file ifcfg-ens3:0 in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory to create the first sub-interface (:0) on the existing ens3 NIC.

    Include the following entries in ifcfg-ens3:0:

  2. Include the appropriate IPADDR, PREFIX, GATEWAY, and DNS entries for this new sub-interface.

  3. Run the following command to start the new interface:

    # ifup ens3:0
  4. Run the following command to confirm that the new interface is operational:

    # ifconfig -a

See also Linux: Details about Secondary IP Addresses.

Oracle Solaris Instance OS Configuration

Use the ipadm command to configure network interfaces persistently.

Microsoft Windows Instance OS Configuration

See Windows: Details about Secondary IP Addresses for information about how to either:

  • Create a PowerShell script.

  • Use the Network and Sharing Center user interface.

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