Discover Data Sources to Add Data Assets

As an administrator, use the Discover Data Sources button on the Home tab to let the system automatically discover the data sources available in your tenancy. You can then use these data sources to create data assets.

After you create a data catalog, when you access the Home tab for the first time, you can view the following tiles:
  • Data Assets
  • Glossaries
  • Learn
The Data Assets tile has the following buttons:
  • Create Data Asset - Lets you create a data asset to register the data source you want to harvest with Data Catalog.
  • Discover Data Sources - Based on the filters that you apply, this button helps you to discover the available data sources.

To discover the data sources and add data assets, follow these steps:

  1. In the Data Asset tile of the Home tab, click Discover Data Sources.
    The Discover Data Sources page appears. It displays the available data sources in the region and compartment where you created the data catalog instance.
  2. To get more specific results, on the Discover Data Sources page, do the following:
    1. From the Region list, select the region.
    2. In the Compartment field, select up to five compartments.
    3. Click Discover.
    The available data sources are displayed.
    You can filter data sources based on the type. In the Filters section, select the Type of data source. For example, Oracle Database. The available data source types are as follows:
    • Autonomous Data Warehouse
    • Autonomous Transaction processing
    • Metastore
    • MySQL
    • Oracle Database - If you select this type, the Instance Shape field appears with the following options:
      • Virtual Machine
      • Bare Metal
      • Exadata

      By default, All instance shapes are selected in this field.

    • Oracle Object Storage

    By default, All Data Sources are selected in the Type field.

    Similarly, you can search a data source by its name using the search field in the Available Data Sources section.

  3. Select the data source for which you want to add a data asset and click Create Data Asset.
    The Create Data Asset panel appears as an overlay with all the details already filled in.
  4. Click Create.
    The data asset is created and the Data Asset details page is displayed. You can now add a connection and then harvest the metadata.

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