Snowflake Data Asset Properties

Create a data asset to extract data from a Snowflake data source.

The Snowflake Connector enables you to store and analyze data using cloud-based hardware and software.

To create a data asset that connects to a Snowflake source, complete the following properties and connection details.

Field Description

Enter a name for the data asset.


The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name you specify. You can change the identifier value, but after you create and save the data asset, you can't update the identifier.


Add a description. This field is optional.

Type Displays the data asset type based on the icon you select in the Select data asset type panel. For more information, see Creating a Data Asset.

Enter the IP address of the host.


Enter 443, the default port for HTTPS-enabled endpoints.

Default connection information

Enter a name for the default connection.


The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name you specify. You can change the identifier value, but after you create and save the connection, you can't update the identifier.


Add a description. This field is optional.


Enter the username.

Use vault secret OCID

If you use a secret in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault to store the password, select this option. The following field appears:

  • Vault Secret OCID for database password: Copy and paste the OCID of the secret for the database password associated with the user from OCI Vault.
(Optional) Test connection
Test connection

After you complete all the required fields, you can click Test connection to ensure you have entered the data asset details correctly.

A success or failure message displays, indicating whether the test was successful or not. If the test fails, review your connection settings and try again.