Exporting a Workspace

Export a workspace from Data Integration to an Object Storage bucket.

When you export a workspace, all projects and folders, applications, user-defined libraries and functions, and data assets are included in the export operation. Task runs are not exported.

To export a workspace, specify the details for the export workspace zip file such as the file name and the location of the bucket. Before you export, ensure that you have:

    1. Navigate to the workspace that you want to export.

      For the steps to access a workspace, see Accessing a Workspace.

    2. On the workspace home page, Management tile, click Export.
    3. In the Export workspace panel, enter the following details:
      • Tenancy OCID: Enter the Oracle Cloud ID of the tenancy in which you want to save the exported zip file.

        The namespace is a system-generated value based on the tenancy OCID that you enter.

      • OCI region: Select the region in the tenancy.
      • Compartment: Select the compartment that contains the Object Storage bucket that you want to use.
      • Bucket: Select the bucket.
      • File name: Enter the file name for the export workspace zip file.

        .workspace.zip is appended to the file name when the zip file is created.

      • Overwrite the existing exported zip file: Select the check box if you want to overwrite the zip file when the file name that you provide already exists.
    4. Click Export.

      A notification message appears with a View export requests link. Click the link to monitor the request status on the Export/Import requests page. See Monitoring Export and Import Requests.

  • Use the oci data-integration export-request create command and required parameters to export a workspace:

    oci data-integration export-request create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateExportRequest operation with the appropriate request details to export the workspace.