Importing an Application

Import an application to a workspace in Data Integration.

When importing, you have the option to exclude importing data assets that already exist in the target. If you exclude existing data assets in an import request, Data Integration performs the following actions:

  • If source objects have references to data assets that are already present in the target, Data Integration does not import those data assets or touch the existing data assets in the target.

  • If source objects have references to data assets that are not present in the target, Data Integration imports those data assets to the target. This ensures that objects such as data flows load correctly in the target after importing for the first time. In subsequent imports to the same target, this ensures that only new source data assets are imported to the target.

To import an application, specify the exported application's zip file and its Object Storage location. Before you import, ensure that you have the relevant permissions and IAM policies as described in Required Setup and Policies.

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