Monitor Your HeatWave and External MySQL Fleet

You can monitor the status and performance of your fleet of HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems and HeatWave clusters on the HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page.

Database Management provides a unified view of the HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems for which Database Management is enabled in a compartment, on the HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page. This enables you to monitor your fleet of DB systems and HeatWave clusters, if any, by various dimensions on a single page and respond to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service alarms.

Before you go to the HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page to monitor the fleet of DB systems and HeatWave clusters, you must complete the tasks given in Get Started. Note that to view metrics and alarms, you must have additional Monitoring service permissions. For information, see Additional Permissions Required to Use Database Management.

To go to the HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Diagnostics & Management and then click HeatWave & MySQL on the left pane.

    The HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page is displayed.

  3. On the left pane, select the Compartment in which your HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems reside.
  4. Select a time period in the Time period drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the page. The options are Last 60 min (default option), Last 24 hours, and Last 7 days.

The HeatWave & External MySQL fleet summary page has the following tabs:

  • MySQL databases: The MySQL databases tab is displayed by default. When viewing the information on this tab, you can use the following filters on the left pane to filter the DB systems:
    • Deployment: Select an option to filter DB systems by deployment type, namely, HeatWave or External.
    • Monitoring status: Select an option to filter DB systems by monitoring status.
    • Version: Select an option to filter DB systems by version.
    • HeatWave: Select an option to filter DB systems based on whether HeatWave is enabled. This filter is only applicable to HeatWave DB systems.

    The following tiles on the MySQL databases tab display important status and performance information about your DB systems for the selected time period:

    • Inventory: Displays an overview of the DB systems in the compartment. You can use the options in the drop-down list on this tile to categorize and view DB systems in a donut chart:
      • Deployment: Select this option to categorize DB systems by deployment type.
      • Version: Select this option to categorize DB systems by version.
      • HeatWave: Select this option to categorize DB systems based on whether HeatWave is enabled or not. This option is only applicable to HeatWave DB systems.
    • Monitoring status: Displays the current monitoring status of the DB systems in a donut chart. The monitoring status indicates whether Database Management can collect monitoring metrics for the DB systems.
    • Resource usage: Displays a summary of the overall CPU, Storage, and Memory allocation and usage. You can hover the mouse on the charts to view utilization details.
    • Alarms: Displays the total number of open DB system alarms in the compartment, and the number of alarms by severity. If the HeatWave DB systems have attached HeatWave clusters, then the alarms include those created to monitor HeatWave cluster metrics. Note that an alarm is only displayed in Database Management if the OCID of the DB system is specified using the resourceId dimension when creating the alarm. You can click the number of alarms to access the Alarms panel and review the list of open alarms. For more information, see Monitor Alarms for HeatWave and External MySQL.

    Below the tiles, the list of HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems for which Database Management is enabled is displayed along with the following information:

    • DB system name: Name of the DB system.
    • Monitoring status: Monitoring status of the DB system.
    • Deployment: Deployment type of the DB system.
    • HeatWave: HeatWave enablement status. Indicates whether a HeatWave cluster is attached to the HeatWave DB system. This information is only displayed for HeatWave DB systems.
    • HeatWave nodes: Number of HeatWave nodes in the HeatWave cluster. This information is only displayed for HeatWave DB systems.
    • Average statements: Average number of SQL statements executed per minute.
    • Average statement latency: Average latency (in milliseconds) for the executed SQL statements.
    • CPU utilization: Percentage of CPU utilized by the DB system.
    • Storage utilization: Percentage of storage utilized by the DB system.
    • Memory utilization: Percentage of memory utilized by the DB system.
  • HeatWave clusters: The HeatWave clusters tab displays information about the HeatWave clusters attached to HeatWave DB systems. When viewing the information on this tab, you can use the following filters on the left pane:
    • Monitoring status: Select an option to filter HeatWave clusters by monitoring status.
    • Shape: Select an option to filter HeatWave clusters by shape.
    • Lakehouse: Select an option to filter HeatWave clusters based on whether Lakehouse is enabled.

    The following tiles on the HeatWave clusters tab display important status and performance information about the HeatWave clusters attached to the HeatWave DB systems, for the selected time period:

    • Inventory: Displays an overview of the HeatWave clusters in the compartment. You can use the options in the drop-down list on this tile to categorize and view HeatWave clusters in a donut chart:
      • Shape: Select this option to categorize HeatWave clusters by shape.
      • Lakehouse: Select this option to categorize HeatWave clusters based on whether Lakehouse is enabled or not.
    • Monitoring status: Displays the current monitoring status of the HeatWave clusters in a donut chart:
      • Up: HeatWave cluster health status is healthy, reloading, or recovering.
      • Down: HeatWave cluster health status is failed. This status is displayed if even one of the nodes in the HeatWave cluster is in a failed state.
      • Unknown: HeatWave cluster health status metric is unavailable.
    • Resource usage: Displays a summary of the overall Memory allocation and usage and CPU utilization. You can hover the mouse on the Memory chart to view utilization details.
    • Alarms: Displays the total number of open alarms for HeatWave DB systems with attached HeatWave clusters in the compartment, and the number of alarms by severity. This includes alarms created to monitor HeatWave cluster metrics. Note that an alarm is only displayed in Database Management if the OCID of the DB system is specified using the resourceId dimension when creating the alarm. You can click the number of alarms to access the Alarms panel and review the list of open alarms. For more information, see Monitor Alarms for HeatWave and External MySQL.

    Below the tiles, the following additional information about the HeatWave clusters in the fleet is displayed:

    • Cluster DB system name: Name of the HeatWave DB system to which the HeatWave cluster is attached.
    • Monitoring status: Current monitoring status of the HeatWave clusters:
      • Up: HeatWave cluster health status is healthy, reloading, or recovering.
      • Down: HeatWave cluster health status is failed. This status is displayed if even one of the nodes in the HeatWave cluster is in a failed state.
      • Unknown: HeatWave cluster health status metric is unavailable.
    • Nodes: Number of HeatWave nodes in the HeatWave cluster.
    • Lakehouse: Lakehouse enablement status. Indicates whether Lakehouse is enabled for the HeatWave cluster.
    • Memory utilization: Percentage of memory utilized by the nodes in the HeatWave cluster.
    • CPU utilization: Percentage of CPU utilized by the nodes in the HeatWave cluster.

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