Perform Prerequisite Tasks

Before you enable and use Database Management SQL Performance Watch, you must complete certain prerequisite tasks.

As a first step, you must ensure that your tenancy administrator has created Oracle Cloud Infrastructure IAM user groups. For example, you can create separate user groups to perform the following tasks:

  • Register an External Database and add a connection
  • Enable SQL Performance Watch
  • Use SQL Performance Watch features

For information on how to create an IAM user group, see To create a group.

On completing the generic prerequisite task, you must perform the prerequisite tasks listed in the following table.


Database Management SQL Performance Watch is currently only available for External Databases, which are Oracle Databases located on premises and connected to a resource in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure External Database service. For information on the External Database service, see External Database Service.
Task Description More Information
Install Management Agents The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Management Agent service enables the communication and data collection between SQL Performance Watch and an External Database.

You must install a Management Agent on a host that has a connection to the External Database. SQL Performance Watch will use the Management Agent for operations such as collecting data and metrics from the External Database.

Note that for single instance databases, a Management Agent 201215.1850 or later is required and for RAC databases, a Management Agent 210403.1349 or later is required.

For information on how to install Management Agents, see Install Management Agents.
Register the Oracle Database with the External Database service You must ensure that you register the Oracle Database by creating a resource or handle in the External Database service. This handle functions as a representation of the Oracle Database located outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

You can register an External Database in the External Database service or by clicking Register external databases on the Managed databases page for External Databases in Database Management.

For information on how to create an External Database handle and the permissions required, see Create a Handle for an External Database.

For information on how to access the Managed databases page for External Databases in Database Management, see Enable SQL Performance Watch.

Connect the Oracle Database to the External Database handle After creating an External Database handle, you must connect the Oracle Database to the handle. Note that you can use TCPS protocol to securely create a connection to the Oracle Database and monitor and manage it.

You can add a connection to an External Database in the External Database service or on the Managed databases page for External Databases in Database Management by:

  • Clicking Connect in the Status column.
  • Clicking + New connector when enabling SQL Performance Watch for the database.

Note that the database user used to connect to the database outside of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure must have the following privileges to use SQL Performance Watch:

For information on how to add a connection to the database in the External Database service and the permissions required, see Create a Connection to an External Database.

For information on how to add a connection on the Managed databases page for External Databases in Database Management, see Enable SQL Performance Watch.

For information on how to add a connector, see Add a Connection.

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