Get Started
As a first step in learning how to work with Oracle Digital Assistant, you may want to create some empty skills and digital assistants that you can play with. Here are some things that you can do to get started.
Create a Digital Assistant
to open the side menu, select Development > Digital Assistants, and click New Digital Assistant.
Skill Store
Digital Assistant's Skill Store offers a range of pre-packaged skills and digital assistants. Some of these are samples and others are designed to work with and expose other Oracle Cloud services.
Access the Skill Store
To get a skill or digital assistant from the Digital Assistant Skill Store:
to open the side menu and select Development > Store.
In the tile for the skill that you want to add, click
and select Pull.
Once you pull a skill or digital assistant from the Skill Store, you can:
- Use it as is.
- Extend it, which enables you to customize it in several ways. Then, if a new version of that skill or digital assistant becomes available in the Skill Store, you can rebase your customizations to the new version.
- Clone it, which enables you to make any modifications that you want. However, when you clone a skill or digital assistant that you have pulled from the Skill Store, you can't later rebase to new versions.
By default, only one version of each skill is displayed (the version that was most recently updated). To view all versions of a particular skill, click

Install Update from the Skill Store
If you have a skill or digital assistant that you have installed from the Skill store and an update becomes available, you can update that skill or digital assistant with the newest version from the Skill Store by doing the following:
to open the side menu and select Development > Digital Assistants.
In the tile for the skill or digital assistant that you want to update, click
and select Install Update.
If the skill or digital assistant that you are updating is one that you have extended, you can rebase your extension to the updated version. See Rebasing.