Track Conversations

In the Conversation tab, the Skill Tester tracks the current response in terms of the current state in the in the dialog flow.

Depending on where you are in the dialog flow, the window shows you the postback actions or any context and system variables that have been set by a previous postback action. It also shows you any URL, call, or global actions.

Description of conversation_tester.png follows

In the Intent/Q&A tab, you can see the resolved intent that triggered the current path in the conversation.

Description of intents_bot_tester.png follows

When the user input gets resolved to Q&A, you can find out the ranking for the returned answers. If the skill uses answer intents for FAQs, then only the resolved answer intent displays.
Finally, the View JSON tab enables you to review the conversation.json file that has complete details for the conversation the entities that match the user input and values returned from the backend. You can search this JSON object, or download it.

Description of json_bot_tester.png follows

When the dialog flow includes LLM component states, you can view the LLM component execution using the LLM Interaction tab.

Description of llm_interaction_tab.png follows