Launching DR Operations During a Home Region Outage

Issue: During an outage of the home IAM region, access to Full Stack DR service can be interrupted when using the OCI Console.

Solution: This can prevent the execution of DR Plans using the OCI Console. In this situation, you can still use the REST API or any of the other API surfaces (CLI, Terraform, Python, and so on) to initiate a DR Plan execution and recovery.

The following example shows how you can execute a DR plan using the OCI CLI:

oci disaster-recovery dr-plan-execution create --plan-id ocid1.drplan.oc1.phx.exampleocid --execution-options file:///path/to/execution-options.json

where 'execution-options.json' is a file containing the execution options as shown below:

Content of the 'execution-options.json' file for executing a failover:
    "arePrechecksEnabled": true,
    "areWarningsIgnored": true,
    "planExecutionType": "FAILOVER"

Content of the 'execution-options.json' file for executing a failover precheck:
    "areWarningsIgnored": true,
    "planExecutionType": "FAILOVER_PRECHECK"

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