Issues with advanced features

Check the following if you encounter issues with advanced features:

  • Some users can't enable advanced features. You need to be an admin who belongs to a user group with the highest privilege.
  • Advanced features, excluding Java Runtime Lifecycle Management and Migration Analysis, are invoked on Java workloads running on:
    • Oracle Java 8 version; releases 1.8.0_361 or later
    • All Oracle and OpenJDK releases of Java 11 and later versions
  • Migration analysis is invoked on Java workloads running on Oracle and OpenJDK releases of Java 8 and later versions.
  • Advanced features don't work if the management agents are running on JDK 8 releases earlier than JDK 8 update 361 (JDK 1.8.0_361). This is because advanced features use the tools.jar, which is available only on the JDK and not on the JRE. To update the Java runtime used by the management agents to the latest Oracle JDK 8, follow the instructions detailed in Using Java with Management Agent to ensure the management agents continue working.
  • Refer to policies in the Set Up Using a Wizard section and the Enabling Advanced Features section.
  • Ensure that you have installed the following agent versions on your host:
  • Advanced features don't work on Oracle Linux 6, RHEL 6, and CentOS 6 platforms.