Agent Prerequisites

The following are prerequisites for agent installation:
  • Use JDK instead of JRE for setting up Management Agent Cloud Service (MACS). Advanced features don't work if the management agent is running on the JRE instead of the JDK. This is because advanced features use the tools.jar, which is available only on the JDK and not on the JRE.
  • Use the latest Oracle JDK 8 release for setting up MACS. Advanced Features won't work if Management Agents are running on JDK 8 releases earlier than JDK 8 update 361 (JDK 1.8.0_361).
  • Set up the management agent with a Java installation that is independent of system Java. For example, while installing the management agent, set JAVA_HOME to JDK 8 that is not managed by the operating system's package management system.
  • Update the Java runtime used by the management agents by following the instructions detailed in the Using Java with Management Agent section to ensure the management agents continue working.