
Use this command to search for a logical expression.


search <logical_expression>

Where <logical_expression> includes the following:

  • <keyword_expression>

  • <comparison_expression>

  • <cmp>

  • <eval_expression>

  • <value>

  • <string_literal>

  • <between_exp>

  • <in_exp>


The following table lists the parameters used with this query, along with their descriptions.

Parameter Description


This parameter includes all keywords or fieldname-value pairs used to filter data.


Use this parameter to specify the keywords or phrases you want to match. The value for this result must follow the format <string>, <string>, or <string>.


Use this parameter to compare a field to an expression. The value for this parameter must follow the format <field_name><cmp> <eval_expression>, <field_name> <between_exp>, or <field_name> <in_exp>.


Use this parameter to specify a comparative operator. Permitted values for this parameter include =,!=, <, >, >=, <=, and [NOT] LIKE.


Use this parameter to specify literals which represent the value of your destination field.


Use this parameter to specify a numeric or a string literal. The permitted value for this parameter must follow the format <string_literal> or <numeric literal>.


Use this parameter to specify a string literal. The permitted value for this parameter must follow the format <string>, <string>, or <string>.


Use this parameter to specify a range. The permitted value for this parameter must follow the format [NOT] BETWEEN (<value> | <numeric_literal>) AND (<value> | <numeric_literal>).


Permitted values for this parameter must follow the format [NOT] IN “(“<value>) (“,” (<value>)*”)”.

For examples of using this command in typical scenarios, see:

The following query returns ORA-00600 log entries.

Message like '%ORA-00600%' 

The following query returns all ORA-00600 logs and fatal logs.

Message like 'ORA-600%' or Severity = fatal 

The following query returns all database logs.

'Target Type' in ('Database Instance', 'Cluster Database') 

The following query returns all logs for the database MyDb.

Target = MyDb and 'Target Type' = 'Database Instance'