Add an Exadata Cloud@Customer Service System

You can add Exadata systems from the Exadata Fleet Administration page.


Individual PDBs cannot be onboarded, they are automatically enabled as part of CDB enablement.

The recommended method of adding Exadata Cloud@Customer Service Systems to Ops Insights is via native cloud agent as it gives the full suite of insights, however these can also be added via Enterprise Manager. Adding Exadata Cloud@Customer Service Systems via Enterprise Manager is useful for deployments that already have Enterprise Manager targets added into Ops Insights, to add via Enterprise Manager see: Enable an Exadata System Monitored by Enterprise Manager.

  1. From the Ops Insights main menu, click Administration and then Exadata Fleet.
  2. Click Add Exadata System. The Add Exadata Systems to Ops Insights dialog displays.

    Figure 2-1 Add an Exa-C@C System

    Add an Exa-C@C System
  3. Ensure Cloud Infrastructureis selected, and select ExaDB-C@C.
  4. Under Exadata Infrastructure in <compartment name>, select the desired Exadata infrastructure from the drop-down menu. You can change the compartment if necessary. Changing the compartment will query that compartment for valid Exadata Infrastructures.
  5. Select the VM Cluster and Default Management Agent (this agent will be preselected for all the databases within a cluster) from their respective drop-down menus to change the default value.

    If your resource count exceeds the Large configuration, use multiple agents. For detailed information on determining the amount of, and configuring the Management Agents for Ops Insights to work with Exadata Cloud@Customer systems see MOS Note: OCI : Observability & Management Support For Exadata Cloud 3015115.1.

    Optionally, you may add additional VM Clusters by clicking on + Another VM cluster.


    A Management Agent local to the database node is not required, network access via Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) from where the agent is located is required.

    Once the Exadata Infrastructure, VM Cluster, and Management Agent have been selected, you have the option of adding member databases now or at a later time. Member databases within the selected VM Cluster appear in the Members table.

    IMPORTANT: At least one Container Database must be added (if one was not previously on-boarded). It is required to pull the Exadata metrics.

  6. To enable a member Container Database for Ops Insights, you must set the credentials. Click Set Credentials to display the Set Container Database Credentials dialog. Alternatively, you can select Set Credentials from the Action menu (vertical ellipses) for a specific database member in the table.

    Figure 2-2 Set database credentials for an Exa-C@C system

    Set database credentials for an Exa-C@C system

    You can set credentials for multiple databases at a time by check marking them and then selecting Set Credentials.
  7. Enter the required credential information: Optionally you can click on Test credentials to test the connection. To finalize click Set Credentials.
  8. Click Add Exadata System. The Exadata Details page for the new system displays. Exadata Cloud@Customer system page

    As noted earlier, if you did not enable all member databases while adding the Exadata system to Ops Insights, you can add them via the Exadata Details page using the Add members button.

    The newly added system will appear in the Exadata Fleet Administration page.