Create an EM Bridge

You create an EM bridge to move target-level data from an OCI Object Storage bucket to Ops Insights.

To create an EM bridge:

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability and Management. Under Ops Insights, click Administration. The Database Fleet option is selected by default in the Ops Insights navigation menu.
  2. Click EM Bridges. The EM Bridge Administration page displays.
  3. Click Create Bridge. The Create Enterprise Manager Bridge dialog displays.
  4. Enter the following:
    • EM Bridge Name: A user-friendly name that lets you easily identify the source.
    • Compartment: The compartment where the EM bridge will be located.
    • Bridge Description: A meaningful description detailing specifics about the bridge.
    • Bucket Name: The name of the Object Storage bucket where Enterprise Manager target-level data is being uploaded. For more information about buckets, see Managing Buckets.
  5. Click Create Bridge.

The newly created bridge will appear in the EM Bridge Administration page table. Once your bridge is created, you can click on the bridge name in the table to access the bridge's detail page where you can edit the bridge description, move the bridge to a different compartment, add tags, or add/enable/disable databases.