Accessing NFS and Samba Shares

If you already created a Network File System (NFS) or Windows Server Message Block (SMB, or Samba) share for use with the compute instance, you can access the share using the NFS or Samba protocols.

For information about creating an NFS or Samba share for use with a compute instance, see Creating NFS Shares and Creating SMB Shares.

Accessing NFS Shares
Follow the instructions in Mounting an NFS File System, or do the following:
  1. If it's not yet on the compute instance, install the nfs-utils package:

    sudo dnf install nfs-utils
  2. Mount the export.

    For example:

    sudo mount instance_ip:share_path destination_path
Accessing Samba Shares
  1. Follow the instructions in Accessing Samba Shares From a Client.
  2. Mount the export.

    For example:

    sudo mount -t cifs -o guest //server_address/share_name mountpoint
  3. If you want to make automount directories available, such as /net, you must first install the autofs package. See Configuring the Automounter.