On April 23, 2025, OS Management reaches end of life (EOL). Effective now, the service is no longer available to you in regions where you are not already using OS Management, or to new users with new tenancies. Before the EOL date, we recommend that you migrate your managed instances to the OS Management Hub service. For more information, see the Service Change Announcement.

Managing Module Streams and Profiles

Describes how to manage modules streams and profiles using the OS Management service.

Oracle Linux 8 introduces the concepts of modules, module streams, and profiles to allow for the management of different versions of software within a single operating system release.


Modules are a set of RPM packages that are grouped together and must be installed together. They can contain several streams that consist of multiple versions of applications that you can install. You enable a module stream to provide system access to the RPM packages that are contained in that module stream.

Module Streams
Module streams hold different versions of content contained within a module. Modules can have multiple streams, where each stream contains a different version of packages and their dependencies. Each stream receives updates independently.
Profiles provide a list of certain packages that are to be installed at the same time for a particular use case. Profiles are also a recommendation by the application packagers and experts. Each module stream can have one or more profiles.

For more information about DNF modules, streams, and profiles, see Use DNF Modules and Application Streams in the Oracle Linux 8 documentation.

For important guidelines, caveats, and warnings when performing package operations on modules and streams, see About Modular Dependencies and Stream Changes in the Oracle Linux 8 documentation.


  • Oracle Linux 8 or later.
  • Oracle Cloud Agent 1.23.0 or later.

For information about known issues related to using the OS Management service to manage module streams and profiles, see Known Issues for OS Management.

Editing a Module on a Managed Instance

Describes how to edit module streams and profiles on a managed instance using the Console, CLI, and API.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Compute, and then click Instances.
  2. Find the instance and click its name.
  3. On the Instance Details page, under Resources, click OS Management.
  4. Click the Actions menu (three dots) and click View OS Management Details.
  5. Under Resources, click Modules.

    The Modules page lists the following information from the managed instance in tabular format.

    • Modules: Lists the modules available to the managed instance.
    • Streams: Lists the stream.
    • Profiles: Lists installed module stream profiles.
    • Status: Indicates the status of the module stream. Possible status values:
      • Enabled: Stream can provide packages to the managed instance.
      • - (hypen) : Stream is not enabled but can provide packages to the managed instance to satisfy package dependencies.
      • Disabled: Stream cannot provide packages to the managed instance until enabled.
  6. On the row of a module, click the Actions menu (three dots) to open the Edit Managed Instance Module panel.

    This panel allows you to manage one module at a time. Within the selected module, you can perform the following actions to manage module stream content on a managed instance:

    • Enable a module stream.
    • Install module stream profiles.
    • Switch to another module stream.
    • Remove module stream profiles.
    • Disable a module stream.
  7. Under Module Stream, select the stream to manage from the list of available streams for the module.
  8. Under Action, select the appropriate radio button to enable or disable the selected module stream for the managed instance.
    • Enable the selected module stream for this managed instance
    • Disable the selected module stream for this managed instance

      You must remove installed profiles before an enabled module stream can be disabled.
  9. Under Install or remove profiles, select or clear the module stream profiles to install or remove profiles from the managed instance.

    • The module stream must be enabled to install profiles.
    • If you are switching streams, you cannot change the profiles until the switch operation completes.
  10. Click Save Changes.

    OS Management creates work requests for the actions.


    A notification appears with a link to the work requests. To view the status of the work requests, click Work Requests under Resources on the Managed Instance Details page.

Using the CLI

For a complete list of available CLI commands available for managing modular content, see Managing Modular Content.

For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

Using the API

For a complete list of API methods available for managing modular content, see Managing Modular Content.

Viewing Modules, Streams, and Profiles on a Managed Instance

Describes how to view modules, streams, and profiles on a managed instance using the Console, CLI, and API.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Compute, and then click Instances.
  2. Find the instance and click its name.
  3. On the Instance Details page, under Resources, click OS Management.
  4. Click the Actions menu (three dots) and click View OS Management Details.
  5. Under Resources, click Modules.

    The Modules page lists the following information from the managed instance in tabular format.

    • Modules: Lists the modules available to the managed instance.
    • Streams: Lists the stream.
    • Profiles: Lists installed module stream profiles.
    • Status: Indicates the status of the module stream. Possible status values:
      • Enabled: Stream can provide packages to the managed instance.
      • - (hypen) : Stream is not enabled but can provide packages to the managed instance to satisfy package dependencies.
      • Disabled: Stream cannot provide packages to the managed instance until enabled.
  6. In the Module column, find a module and click its name.

    The Module Details page opens. The page provides module information, including a description of the module, the stream name, installed profiles, and the status of the stream.

  7. On the Module Details page, click the name of a module stream in the Module Streams table.

    The Module Stream Details page opens. The page provides module stream information, including the parent module, parent module stream, and available profiles.

  8. In the table, expand the row of a profile using the Expand icon at the right end to view the packages associated with the profile.

Using the CLI

For a complete list of available CLI commands available for viewing modular content, see Managing Modular Content.

For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

Using the API

For a complete list of API methods available for viewing modular content, see Managing Modular Content.